
cementitious material中文是什么意思

  • 胶结材料
  • 粘结材料



  • 例句与用法
  • The cement exposed to water hydrates immediately in the cementitious materials of concrete , and produces ca ( oh ) 2 with the prolonging of hydration time , which is the important cause to reduction of corrosion resistance of concrete
    混凝土胶凝材料中的水泥遇水即发生水化,随着水化龄期的延长生成大量的ca ( oh ) _ 2 ,这是造成混凝土抗侵蚀性能降低的重要原因。
  • In this paper , the ratio of water to cementitious material , the mass of fly ash , silicon fume and superplasticizer are selected for four factors of experiment . after the orthogonal experiment , the material ingredients of c50 and c60 high - strength concrete with 60 percent fly ash are determined
  • And a design principle of excellent performance on ion transfer resistance , wear resistance and corrosion resistance is brought forward . the physical chemistry performances of pigments and their application in cementitious materials are studied . the sorts and optimum quantities of them are determined through test and comparison
  • On this base , a more precise volume model of concrete is established and one conception of dry mortar volume is brought forward . at the same time the author absorbed the concept of the best ratio between paste and aggregates and used mathematical method to induce the formulas of water content and ratio between fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in concrete : ratio between fine aggregate and coarse aggregate : if the two formulas are connected with the classical rule of water cementitious materials ratio ( bolmy formula ) , the contents of all materials in concrete can be determined completely by calculation and overall calculation proportioning is realized
    在此基础上建立了普遍适用的更精确的混凝土体积模型,提出了“干砂浆体积”概念,同时吸收国外关于最佳浆集比概念,用数学方法推导建立了混凝土用水量和砂率的计算公式:用水量公式:砂率公式:这两个公式结合传统的水胶比定则(保罗米公式) ,即可全面定量地确定混凝土的所有组成材料的用量,实现混凝土的全计算配合比设计。
  • Conclusion is drawn that 150 # mortar can be manufactured , adopting industrial waste slag , yellow sand and cement after which are ground , and with the proportion design of cementitious component : sand of 1 : 4 , cement : phosphor slag : flying - ash : gypsum of 30 : 45 : 23 : 2 in cementitious materials , and cement : mortar of 6 percents . it leads economical , social , and environmental benefit
    试验结果表明,采用昆明本地的工业废渣、黄砂和水泥,通过适当的细磨、复配技术,在胶:砂= 1 : 4 ;胶凝材料中水泥:磷渣:粉煤灰:石膏= 30 : 45 : 23 : 2 ,干拌砂浆中水泥的质量只占6的条件下,可以配制出150 #砂武汉理工大学工程硕士学位论文浆。
  • Depending on the densified system containing homogeneously arrayed ultra - fine particles ( dsp ) and the basic principles of reactive powder concrete ( rpc ) adopted by foreign researchers specialized in building materials , considering the characteristics of ultra - fine addition which can improve the workability and micro - structure of cement based materials and enhance the cementitious materials " packing density , we added blast slag silica fume crushed quartz superplasticizer and steel fiber into portland cement to produce the rpc by normal technology methods
    本文以活性粉末混凝土( reactivepowderconcrete ,简称rpc )的基本配制原理为基础,结合近几年来人们对高性能混凝土研究所提出的要求,选择适合本地实情的材料,在传统rpc的配制基础上,掺入矿渣组分,配制出了抗压强度达135mpa的活性粉末混凝土材料。本文对掺矿渣rpc的配制技术及其相关的性能作了系统的研究。
  • In this paper , the performances of macroscopic physical mechanics , durability , and microstructure are analyzed and studied . the results of macroscopic properties indicate that the workability and relevant physical mechanics are matched best with the scientific introduction of auxiliary cementitious materials . at the same time , the compatibility between stained materials and cement - basic materials is improved , as well as the resistant abilities of the ions transference and environmental corrosive damages
  • R & d of high strength hpc with strength grade c50 - c80 was conducted using high belite cement ( abbreviated as hbc ) as the main component of cementitious material . the workability , physical mechanical properties , durability and sub - microstructure of hbc concrete have been researched systematically in comparison with hbc using ordinary portland cement ( abbreviated as opc )
    本研究以高贝利特水泥( hbc )为主要胶凝材料,成功配制出了强度等级为c50 c80的高贝利特水泥高性能混凝土,该级别范围内的高贝利特水泥高性能混凝土初始坍落度180mm , 90min坍落度损失40mm ,且抗冻等级f300 ,抗渗等级w25 ,氯离子渗透值1000库仑。
  • At the same time fly ash and silica fume also can repress the anti - sulfate attack and the alkali - aggregate reaction ; in addition , the relation between air - entraining admi xture , cementitious materials quantity with freezing - thaw property of concrete were studied ; and according to the different affecting factors the durable life of concrete was estimated
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