The bank of east asia , limited merger of subsidiaries bill was passed 东亚银行有限公司附属公司合并条例草案获得通过。
The website looks similar to the official website of the bank of east asia , limited 该网站与东亚银行有限公司东亚银行的官方网站相似。
The website looks very similar to the official website of the bank of east asia , limited 的欺诈网站。该网站与东亚银行官方网站非常相似。
The bank of east asia , limited merger of subsidiaries bill proposed by hon ng leung - sing 吴亮星议员提出的东亚银行有限公司附属公司合并条例草案
Please credit the loan amount to myour existing savingscurrent account with the bank of east asia , limited 请将贷款存入本人(等)现有之东亚银行储蓄来往户口
Are you relative of any director employee of the bank of east asia , limited ? if " yes " , please state hisher english and chinese names 如答案为是请填上该人士之中、英文姓名。
Please credit the loan amount to a new account to be opened with the bank of east asia , limited 请将贷款存入即将开设之东亚银行账户申请人是否为东亚银行有限公司董事雇员之亲属?
This website uses a name similar to that of east asia credit company limited , which was a subsidiary of the bank of east asia , limited 。该网站所用名称与东亚银行前附属公司东亚授信有限公司的英文名称
The bank of east asia , limited ( " bea " ) reserves the right at its absolute discretion to define the meaning of " professionals " and " senior executives " 点或以上之公务员。本行保留对专业人士及高级行政人员定义的最终诠释权。
The panel was briefed by the sponsor and representatives of the bank of east asia on the draft bank of east asia , limited merger of subsidiaries bill 提出东亚银行有限公司附属公司合并条例草案的议员及东亚银行的代表向事务委员会简介条例草案拟稿。