Do not use when eating . do not perm eyelashes . keep away from children . place at a cool dry place . avoid sun light contact 使用时勿进食;不可使用于眼睫毛上;勿让小孩接触,存于乾燥阴凉处,忌日照。
Run the tap water for a while before drinking or cooking if your home has a old water plumbing system and it has not been used for a while , for example , overnight . keep all lead contaminated contained products away from children 如果家中的水喉已经残旧,在饮用食水前特别是长时间没有用水后,如一晚,应先冲洗一段时间,把有机会从水喉中剥落的铅份冲走。
His portfolio includes a drawing of santa admitting " i killed jesus " , smaller posters and stickers reminding parents to " stop lying to your children about santa claus " and a page on his website that calls for santa to be kept as far away from children as possible 他的作品集里有一张画上是圣诞老人承认我杀死了耶稣,还有小型的海报、贴纸提醒家长不要再灌输给孩子圣诞老人的谎言了,他的网站上也有一页呼吁圣诞老人应该被隔得离孩子越远越好。