advisory adj. 1.劝告的,忠告的。 2.顾问的,咨询的。 an advisory body 咨询机关,顾问团。 an advisory committee 咨询委员会。 He accompanied the President in an advisory capacity. 他以顾问身份做总统随行人员。
body n. 1.身体,体躯,肉体;尸首;躯干,【林业】立木。 2.本体,主体;主力;本文,正文;部分。 3.(衣服的)上身部;女胸衣。 4.队,群,一团;团体,机关,机构。 5.〔口语〕人〔常用以构成复合词,如 anybody〕; (犯人、继承人等的)身份。 6.物体,(液)体;实质;(酒等的)密度,浓度。 7.车身;船身;【航空】机身;(陶器等的)素胚;(乐器等的)共鸣部分;布身,布的厚薄软硬;【数学】立体;【天文学】天体;【印刷】铅字身。 the human body 人体。 cremate the body 将尸体火化。 the body of a tree 树的主干。 a regular body正多面体。 a solid [liquid, gaseous] body 固[液,气]体。 the body of the population 人口的主要成分。 a body of cavalry 一队骑兵。 the body of the book 本文。 the student body学生会。 a diplomatic body 外交团。 a body of words 一组单词。 a good sort of body好人。 an heir of the body 直系继承人。 a body of facts 一大堆事实。 heavenly bodies 天体。 wine of good [full] body 醇厚的葡萄酒。 body corporate 法人团体。 body and soul 整个,全心全意 (work night and day, body and soul 日以继夜、全心全意地工作)。 body crash tactics (日本在第二次世界大战中以敢死飞机冲击军舰的)肉弹战术。 body of Christ 圣餐面包。 body politic 国家。 give body to 使…具体化,实现;使有形体。 heir of one's body 直系继承人。 in a body 全体,整个 (resign in a body 总辞职)。 in body 亲身,自行。 in the body 生动;活着,神志清醒。 keep body and soul together 勉强维持生活,苟延残喘。 the main body 【军事】主力部队。 the whole body 全身;全体。 vt. (bodied) 1.赋与…以形体。 2.使具体化,体现;实现;刻划;使呈现于心中 (forth)。 Imaginations bodies forth the forms of things unknown 想像力使未知事物的形像呈现于心中。
Acan is the government s sole advisory body on anti - narcotics matters . it was established in 1965 禁毒常务委员会于一九六五年成立,是政府唯一的禁毒谘询组织。
Article 65 the previous system of establishing advisory bodies by the executive authorities shall be maintained 第六十五条原由行政机关设立咨询组织的制度继续保留。
The road safety council , an advisory body , continues to co - ordinate all road safety matters in the territory 此外,道路安全议会继续统筹全港的道路安全事宜,该会是一个谘询组织。
Staff of the joint secretariat for the advisory bodies on civil service and judicial salaries and conditions of service 公务及司法人员薪俸及服务条件谘询委员会联合秘书处职员名单
An advisory body appointed by the chief executive to advise him on matters related to the development of smes 委员会的成员由行政长官委任,专责就有关中小企业发展的事宜提供意见。
On 4 january 2002 , a task force comprising members drawn from the three advisory bodies on civil service pay and conditions of service 二零零二年一月四日,来自三个公务员薪俸及服务条件谘询组织
On 4 january 2002 , a task force comprising members drawn from the three advisory bodies on civil service pay and conditions of service 二零零二年一月四日,来自三个公务员薪俸及服务条件谘询组织
Henry fok , a vice - chairman of china ' s top advisory body , says tung chee - hwa is the best person for the job of chief executive 全国政协副主席霍英东表示,没有任何人比董建华更适合当下届行政长官。
The board is a non - statutory advisory body . it comprises a chairman , ten non - official members and three official members 委员会属于非法定的谘询团体,成员包括一位主席、十名非官方成员及三名官方成员。
Noted . case studies have been completed and we are consulting the relevant advisory bodies and stakeholders on undertaking pilot projects 我们已完成个案研究,正就进行试办计划的可行性,徵询有关团体的意见。