advanced adj. 1.前进的,先驱的;高等的,高深的。 2.先进的。 3.(年纪)老的,(夜)深的。 most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 rather an advanced young woman 较先进的妇女。 a man advanced in years 老年人。 advanced age 高龄。 advanced grammar 高等语法。 advanced ideas 进步思想。 advanced post 前哨。 advanced studies 高等[先进]的学术研究。 a culturally advanced country 高度文明的国家。
An advanced student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training 实习生接受有指导性实践训练的高年级学生或新毕业的学生
Thinking of culturing humanity qualities of advanced students nurses in campus culture activities 在校园文化活动中培养高护生人文素质的思考
The investigation and analyse of advancing student ' s health on athletics course of common university 体育与健康课程对大学生健康促进因素分析
There are two series of readers , one for beginners and one for advanced students 有两种系列读物,一种是给初学者读的,一种是给水平高的学生读。
Is meant for advanced students of english . readers need about a 5 , 000 - word vocabulary to understand it 答:彭蒙惠英语的英文名称advanced就是程度较高的意思。
Furthermore , the program ' s bilingual format helped to attract beginners as well as advanced students 而且节目采取双语教学形式,即吸引了初学者也能满足高层次的学生。
The goal of this class is to advance students in cantonese pronunciation , reading and writing composition in traditional chinese 目标是让学生提高广东话发音,中文阅读和写字程度。
Psychonalysis of less - advanced students ' difficulty in learning and research in strategies of turning less - advanced students into advanced ones 后进生学习困难的心理原因及其转化策略
This new revised edition focuses specifically on the complexities of grammatical choices that advanced students need to appreciate 这一新的修订版特别注重对复杂的语法选择先进学生需要欣赏。
Teaching in levels must be carried out so that we can neither inhibit the advanced students nor give up the less advanced students 分层教学势在必行,这样我们既不抑制优等生又不放弃后进生。