society n. 1.社会。 2.会,社;协会,学会,公会,团体。 3.交际,社交;社交界〔特指上流社会〕;社交场所。 4.群居,群栖。 5. 〔美国〕教区居民。 primitive society 原始社会。 class society 阶级社会。 slavery society 奴隶社会。 feudalist society 封建社会。 a charitable society 慈善团体。 I enjoy your society. 和您交往真高兴。 avoid [seek] the society of 避免[追求]和…来往[相处]。 be quit of sb.'s society 和…断绝来往。 go into society 入交际界;常赴宴会。 live in society 出入交际界。
Each people all are so are living , looked the unpleasant aspect , was not better than the academic society seeks the pleasure , looks at in the life good one side 每个人都是如此生活着,与其看不如意的方面,不如学会寻找乐趣,看生活中好的一面。
The academic society by the appropriate way to you hoped establishment relations the human inquires correctly , easy to knock on the front door which others that fan shuts tightly 学会以恰当的方式向你希望建立关系的人正确提问,就容易叩开别人那扇紧闭的大门。
The group was formerly part of the chinese cultural group of the government s sino - british academic society . the chinese drama group was later formed to promote chinese drama 中英学会中文戏剧组原属政府中英学会中国文化组,其后成立中文戏剧组,以推动中国戏剧。
The time of year a woman may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies " annual meeting 在本周举行的"儿科学术协会年会"上,一项研究报告称,母亲怀孕的月份可能会影响孩子以后的学业成绩。
The time of year a woman conceives may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies ' annual meeting 在本周举行的"儿科学术协会年会"上,一项研究报告称,母亲怀孕的月份可能会影响孩子以后的学业成绩。
The time of year a woman conceives may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies " annual meeting 在本周举行的"儿科学术协会年会"上,一项研究报告称,母亲怀孕的月份可能会影响孩子以后的学业成绩。
This factory founded in 1997 , was " the nation epoxy resin application technology academic society " the member , the specialty is engaged in the natural quartz the smashing processing development and the use 本厂创建于1997年,是“全国环氧树脂应用技术学会”会员,专业从事天然石英的粉碎加工开发和利用。
There are over 100 different student societies , including faculty and academic societies , hall student associations , and clubs relating to a variety of interests , including culture , sports and many more 现时共有超过一百个不同种类学生团体,包括各院会学术会舍堂学生会学社联会属会文化联会属会体育联会属会及其他单位属会。
He is currently chairman of the us science and technology advisory committee for manned space flight of nasa , member of the us president s science advisory committee , vice president of the american physical society , and member of various academic societies 他同时身兼美国太空总处载人飞行科学及技术顾问会的主席、美国总统科学顾问委员会成员、美国物理学会副会长,及多个学术组织的会员。
Jiangsu weighs the xin goods frame to make the limited company isflows the system and a three - dimensional goods plan , the design , themanufacture , the installment and the consultation service synthesisenterprise from the thing , is china flows the academic society memberenterprise 江苏衡鑫货架制造有限公司是从事物流系统和立体货架的规划、设计、制造、安装及谘询服务的综合型企业,是中国物流学会会员企业。