
academic society中文是什么意思

  • 学术界



  • 例句与用法
  • Each people all are so are living , looked the unpleasant aspect , was not better than the academic society seeks the pleasure , looks at in the life good one side
  • The academic society by the appropriate way to you hoped establishment relations the human inquires correctly , easy to knock on the front door which others that fan shuts tightly
  • The group was formerly part of the chinese cultural group of the government s sino - british academic society . the chinese drama group was later formed to promote chinese drama
  • The time of year a woman may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies " annual meeting
  • The time of year a woman conceives may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies ' annual meeting
  • The time of year a woman conceives may influence the future academic performance of her child , according to research reported this week at the pediatric academic societies " annual meeting
  • This factory founded in 1997 , was " the nation epoxy resin application technology academic society " the member , the specialty is engaged in the natural quartz the smashing processing development and the use
  • There are over 100 different student societies , including faculty and academic societies , hall student associations , and clubs relating to a variety of interests , including culture , sports and many more
  • He is currently chairman of the us science and technology advisory committee for manned space flight of nasa , member of the us president s science advisory committee , vice president of the american physical society , and member of various academic societies
  • Jiangsu weighs the xin goods frame to make the limited company isflows the system and a three - dimensional goods plan , the design , themanufacture , the installment and the consultation service synthesisenterprise from the thing , is china flows the academic society memberenterprise
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