Fresh aromas of tropical fruits and melon are complemented by underlying creaminess and a touch of spicy oak 热带水果与香瓜的新鲜果香在一丝橡木辛香与乳香补充下更加完整。
Fig . 5 . influence of pycnidiospore density in soil on the disease incidence of melon cotyledon caused by didymella bryoniae 五、土壤中添加蔓枯病菌柄孢子对于香瓜子叶发病的影响。
The bouquet is typical of australian chardonnay with tropical melon and peach characters and subtle oak integration 蕴含典型的澳洲莎当妮特有的香瓜、蜜桃的芬芳,及些许微妙的橡木气息。
So we talked it over all one night , drifting along down the river , trying to make up our minds whether to drop the watermelons , or the cantelopes , or the mushmelons , or what 我们就这样商量了一整夜,一边在大河上朝下游漂过去,一边准备定下主意,看能否不用借西瓜,或者香瓜,或者甜瓜了吧。
Handline cucumis melo and aqualica forsk seeds with different concentrations of detergent and soap , shows germination of detergent and soap and that even the effect of the same concentration of detergent and soap on the seeds is different 摘要以不同浓度的洗衣粉、肥皂液处理空心菜、香瓜种子,发现不同浓度的洗衣粉,肥皂液均能不同程度抑制种子萌发及幼苗生长,且相同浓度洗衣粉、肥皂液对种子生长影响也存在差异。
In the part of chiku to the west of provincial highway 17 there are salt pans and several thousand hectares of salt - water fish rearing ponds , while to the east there are mainly fields . but most crops do not thrive in chiku s saline soil . a rare exception , and the star crop here , is the muskmelon 台十七线省道贯穿七股乡,道路以西为盐田与数千公顷的海水鱼瘟养殖区,以东则是农作为主,但七股的土壤盐分含量重,一般农作物收成欠佳,唯有耐盐的洋香瓜一枝独秀,成为七股乡的名产,品种包括七股香蓝宝石红宝石翠蜜等,多数都有十四度以上的甜度。
A characteristic of this new approach to tourism is interaction , rather than just sightseeing . various festivals timed according to the farming seasons , such as paiho s lotus festival , yuching s mango festival , chiku s melon festival , tsochen s chalk festival or kuantien s water caltrop festival , provide focal points for city dwellers to visit and stay in villages and farms , where they can chat with country folk face to face and personally experience farm life , peel lotus seeds , gather water caltrops , climb salt mounds , go birdwatching , and more , for a total immersion experience that is the best way to enjoy and appreciate the countryside 请注意,这一波新兴旅游玩法的特色是互动而不是观光,随著产季而规划的白河莲花节玉井芒果节七股洋香瓜季左镇白垩节官田菱角节等节庆活动,让都会民众以定点导览的方式到农村或农场休闲住宿,直接与农民交谈,亲身体验农家生活,剥莲子采菱角爬盐山赏鸟等等,都是一种身历其境的最佳游玩方式。
Many varieties are grown , most of them very sweet . every december to january , when the melons are in season and black - faced spoonbills are circling in the sky , chiku farmers association puts on a " muskmelon festival , " so that as well as enjoying the sight of the spoonbills , visitors can also take part in activities such as pickling baby melons , painting melons and making oyster - shell art 而七股乡更于每年十二月到翌年一月左右,洋香瓜盛产黑面琵鹭翱翔的时节举办洋香瓜文化季,让民众前来观赏黑面琵鹭之馀,也能参与七股乡农会推出的瓜绵制作彩绘洋香瓜蚵壳创作艺术。
During the festival , " spoonbill buses " take visitors on guided tours around chiku s salt mounds , its internationally known black - faced spoonbill refuge , and its 1500 - hectare lagoon with its oyster frames and sandbars , and a market sells local produce such as muskmelons , cherry tomatoes , spring onions , garlic , sesame oil and canned milkfish 文化节期间,七股乡还提供有黑琵公车,供游客游览七股盐场的盐山国际瞩目的黑面琵鹭保护区广达一千五百多公顷的舄湖蚵架沙州等景点。现场并有洋香瓜小蕃茄葱蒜胡麻油虱目鱼罐头等农产品的贩售。