

音标:[ xiāngguā ]   发音:
  • casaba; cassaba; muskmelon



  • 例句与用法
  • Fresh aromas of tropical fruits and melon are complemented by underlying creaminess and a touch of spicy oak
  • Fig . 5 . influence of pycnidiospore density in soil on the disease incidence of melon cotyledon caused by didymella bryoniae
  • The bouquet is typical of australian chardonnay with tropical melon and peach characters and subtle oak integration
  • So we talked it over all one night , drifting along down the river , trying to make up our minds whether to drop the watermelons , or the cantelopes , or the mushmelons , or what
  • Handline cucumis melo and aqualica forsk seeds with different concentrations of detergent and soap , shows germination of detergent and soap and that even the effect of the same concentration of detergent and soap on the seeds is different
  • In the part of chiku to the west of provincial highway 17 there are salt pans and several thousand hectares of salt - water fish rearing ponds , while to the east there are mainly fields . but most crops do not thrive in chiku s saline soil . a rare exception , and the star crop here , is the muskmelon
  • A characteristic of this new approach to tourism is interaction , rather than just sightseeing . various festivals timed according to the farming seasons , such as paiho s lotus festival , yuching s mango festival , chiku s melon festival , tsochen s chalk festival or kuantien s water caltrop festival , provide focal points for city dwellers to visit and stay in villages and farms , where they can chat with country folk face to face and personally experience farm life , peel lotus seeds , gather water caltrops , climb salt mounds , go birdwatching , and more , for a total immersion experience that is the best way to enjoy and appreciate the countryside
  • Many varieties are grown , most of them very sweet . every december to january , when the melons are in season and black - faced spoonbills are circling in the sky , chiku farmers association puts on a " muskmelon festival , " so that as well as enjoying the sight of the spoonbills , visitors can also take part in activities such as pickling baby melons , painting melons and making oyster - shell art
  • During the festival , " spoonbill buses " take visitors on guided tours around chiku s salt mounds , its internationally known black - faced spoonbill refuge , and its 1500 - hectare lagoon with its oyster frames and sandbars , and a market sells local produce such as muskmelons , cherry tomatoes , spring onions , garlic , sesame oil and canned milkfish
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 香瓜的法语:angurie concombre à épines cucumis anguria concombre cornichon concombre des antilles melon cantaloup melon melon d’hiver cantaloup cornichon des antilles
  • 香瓜的日语:(香瓜儿)〈方〉〈植〉マクワウリ.メロン.▼“甜瓜 tiánguā ”ともいう.
  • 香瓜的韩语:멜론
  • 香瓜的俄语:pinyin:xiāngguā бот. дыня (Cucumis melo L.)
  • 香瓜什么意思:xiāngguā (~儿)甜瓜。
  • 推荐英语阅读
香瓜的英文翻译,香瓜英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译香瓜,香瓜的英文意思,香瓜的英文香瓜 meaning in English香瓜的英文香瓜怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
