

  • cervical nerve; nervi cervicales



  • 例句与用法
  • Measurements for the following anatomical structures were obtained with the aid of a microscope , the distance between mastoid process and transverse process of the atlas , occipital condyle , and superior lateral loop ; the distances between the midline and the v3 at three levels : 1 ) the distal ( dural ) ring ; 2 ) the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 ; and 3 ) the upper level of the transverse foramen of the atlas ; the diameter of v3h at the origin of the muscular artery and at the sites of penetrating the dural ring ; the width of the v3 at the intersection with the anterior ramus of the c - 2 and at the sites of penetrating the transverse foramen of the atlas
    V _ 3h和v _ 3v各有两个分支: v _ 3h分出肌动脉支和脑膜后动脉支; v _ 3v分出肌动脉支和根肌动脉支,第一、二脊神经发出的前后支分别与它们又毗邻关系。通过手术显微镜测量下述解剖结构:乳突尖与环椎横突尖、枕髁外侧缘、 v _ 3上外侧袢的距离;椎动脉v _ 3段在穿硬膜环、与第二颈神经前支交叉、环椎横突孔上缘三处与中线的距离; v _ 3h在发出肌支处和穿硬膜天浑医科大学硕士研究主学位论文环处的直径; v3v在与第二颈神经前支交叉处和穿环椎横突孔处的直径。
  • Result : the c3 to c7 , intervertebral discs , spinal cord , cervical nerves , vertebral artery , longus colli , larynx ( trachea ) , pharynx ( esophagus ) , common carotid artery ( internal and external carotid artery ) , internal jugular vein , vagus nerve and sternocleidomastoid were successfully reconstructed and displayed
    结果:成功重建并立体显示第3 ~ 7颈椎、椎间盘、脊髓、颈神经、椎动脉、颈长肌、喉(气管) 、咽(食管) 、颈总动脉(颈内、外动脉) 、颈内静脉、迷走神经和胸锁乳突肌等解剖结构的位置关系,建立了颈前入路相关结构的三维可视化模型。
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