

  • long term insurance
  • long-term insurance



  • 例句与用法
  • Commencing from the third quarter of 2001 , the scope of long term provisional statistics has been expanded to include both in - force as well as new business
  • Because , this is , life - insurance it is a kind of long - term insurance , its did not expire responsibility is not to press , 2 year will calculate can terminative
  • Major types of long term insurance service include individual life insurance , group life insurance and retirement scheme . long term insurance business has maintained double - digit growth for ten consecutive years
  • Major types of long term insurance service include individual life insurance , group life insurance and retirement scheme . long term insurance business has maintained double - digit growth for ten consecutive years
  • Under section 24 of the ico , an insurer who seeks to transfer its long term insurance business to another insurer is required to apply to the court for an order sanctioning the scheme of transfer
  • Starting from the first quarter of 2003 , the long term business quarterly returns have incorporated a new form , hklq5 , which gathers statistics on life policy replacement with a view to gauging the extent of policy twisting activities
    由2003年第一季起,长期保险业务季度申报表内已加入新的表格hklq5 ,以收集有关寿险转保的统计数字,从而估计诱导转保的活动情况。
  • They include the compulsory paper on principles and practice of insurance , three qualifying papers ( viz . general insurance , long term insurance and investment - linked long term insurance ) and the independent paper on mandatory provident fund schemes
  • And in these 25 years during , miss zhang although sicken , the mu ying that she invests is great the disease is sure for a long time to also can have lash - up effect , this can obtain compensate at most 100 thousand yuan lash - up fund comes true through the become effective of insurance cost , what reach rise in value already is the biggest change , what also held fund at the same time is relatively agile
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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