

  • nickel ore deposit



  • 例句与用法
  • According to the theory and study methods of comparative economic geology , the ore - forming geological background , geological feature , the elements geochemistry , the metallogenic geochronology about the two ore deposits and rock - bodys are systematic analysed , compared , and researched by means of new measure and assay technique . jianchaling nickel sulflde deposit is stress investigated in order to study similarities and differences between the two deposits in mineralization background , geochimistry , and metallogenesis , also to find the reasons for these , discuss the regularity of formation and distribution for the type deposit , and guide its exploration
  • Based on geological , geophysical and geochemical prospecting in the huangshan nickel - copper deposit and the xiaoerquan zinc - copper deposit , the authors have predicted nonferrous metallic resources in the western part of the east tianshan mountain on the basis of regional geological , geophysical and geochemical data obtained by the multi - statistics method and the gis spatial analysis method
  • Jianchaling nickel deposit that respected with it is originally devided into magma type deposit , its metallogenesis include magma differrentiation - crystalization , sulfurization process , magma melt - segregated , and hydrothermal process . but melt - separated ore - forming poorly developed , and hydrothermal process is subordinate , the assimilation and contamination of country rocks have special significance to the formation of this ore deposit
  • On the basis of systematic analysis and comparative research on jianchaling and jinchuan nickel sulflde deposit in geology and geochemistry , some conclusions can be drawn as follow : ( 1 ) re - os isotopic geochronology data define an precise 878 ? 6 ma isochon , suggest jianchaling nickel sulflde deposit would form in new proterozoic . the rock - forming process and metal logenesis happened on the whole , this deposit subordinates to magmatic deposit
    通过对煎茶岭和金川镍矿床地质、地球化学的系统分析与比较研究,取得以下新的认识和进展: ( 1 ) re ? os同位素地质年代学研究表明,煎茶岭硫化镍矿床形成于878ma前的新元古代,成矿作用和成岩作用基本上是同时进行的,属岩浆矿床。
  • To discuss geological mechanism of the forming of important nickel deposits and the control of converging and dispersing of the ore forming elements has theoretic and practical meaning in deepening the understanding of the genesis of this kind of deposit and summarizing the deposit forming indication , expanding perspective targets
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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