Protocol of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction rt - pcr for infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus 传染性造血器官坏死病毒逆转录聚合酶链式反应操作规程
The chain of events through which central european forests have responded to acid deposition is a ready example 中欧森林反应出的酸沉积就是一个这样链式反应的很好例子。
It is called thermal neutron because the average kinetic energy of the neutron is directly proportional to the temperature 指核反应堆在稳定的裂变率下达到自持链式反应的状态。
Detection of the genetically modified organisms in genetically modified soybean and maize by polymerase chain reaction method 利用聚合酶链式反应方法检测转基因大豆和玉米中的基因修饰物质
Upon impact with a planet , the galaxy gun ' s energized warhead erupted , causing unstoppable nucleonic chain reactions 一但与行星向碰撞,银河之枪发生出的能量化的弹头便会爆炸,引发不可被终止的核子链式反应。
Pcr . microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - polymerase chain reaction for the detection of food - borne pathogens - general requirements and definitions 食物和动物饲料的微生物学.食物病原体检测用聚合酶链式反应
Even minute amounts of dna can now be amplified , using the polymerase chain reaction , to provide sufficient material for genetic fingerprinting 即使仅获得很少量的dna也可使用聚合酶链式反应来扩增以提供足够的材料进行遗传指纹分析。
Since the addition of the initiator causes a chain reaction to occur , control in the form of cooling must be exerted to control the size of the emulsion droplet 加入引发剂引起一个链式反应后,可以通过控制冷却形式控制乳液滴的大小。
Standard guide for detection of nucleic acids of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and other pathogenic mycobacteria by the polymerase chain reaction technique 用聚合酶链式反应方法探测结核分支杆菌复合物和其它病原分支杆菌的核酸的标准指南
Alpha eigenvalue is an characteristic parameter in neutron chain reaction physics . it describes the variational velocity of neutron flux along with time 本征值是中子链式反应物理中表征系统动态性质的一个重要特征量,描述中子通量密度随时间按指数规律变化的快慢。