Conclusion : yinhua mixture areosol is effective in antifebrile , anti - asthma , and expectorative effect 结论:银花合剂具有退热、镇咳、平喘、祛痰作用。
Direct determination of rutin of liquor prepared by ganmaotuire with reversed - phase high performance liquid chromatophy 法测定感冒退热颗粒水提液中芦丁的含量
Alcohol may be unsafe with medicines including common painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen 酒精可能是药物的不安全因素,后者包括常规的止痛药如退热净和布洛芬。
Doctor : you should take some acetaminophen for your fever . you can get some at the pharmacy across the street 医生:你要吃点退热净。你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药。
Clinical observation on 80 infants of fever due to exop athogen treated by application of xiao er tui re plaster at the navel 小儿退热贴敷脐治疗婴幼儿外感发热80例临床观察
Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to the label instructions or as recommended by your doctor 根据说明书或者医嘱服用退热净(一种替代阿司匹林的解热镇痛药)或者布洛芬(抗炎、镇痛药) 。
In most cases , the fever , rash , and ulcers subside spontaneously resulting in full recovery in about one week 一般来说,病者会在一星期左右,随著水泡、红疹、溃疡消失及退热而自动痊愈。
Give adults or children acetaminophen or ibuprofen following the manufacturer ' s instructions or as recommended by your doctor 依照药厂的说明书或者医嘱给大人或者小孩服用退热净或者布洛芬。
Some accept the chemotherapy the cancer patient appears when gives off heat , after eggplant boils thoroughly cold food in sauce eats , has draws back hot effect 一些接受化疗的癌症患者出现发热时,用茄子煮熟后凉拌吃,有退热功效。
Acetaminophen is available in liquid , chewable and suppository forms for children , but it ' s often easiest to give medications in liquid form 对于小孩子来说,退热净有口服液,口香糖和栓剂等几种形式选择,但通常很容易采用溶剂的方式给小孩服药。