远征 expedition 远征某一国家 an expedition to a country; 派遣一支远征队 dispatch an expedition; 自愿参加远征 (队) volunteered to join the expedition; 他们出发去进行一次危险的远征。 they started on a dangerous expedition.; 远征军 expeditionary army
He saved the men of the bef ( british expeditionary force ) 他救了英国远征军的士兵。
He is the commander of the expedition 他是远征军的司令/探险队的队长。
He is the commander of an expedition 他是远征军的指挥官。
First marine expeditionary force 海军陆战队第一远征军
In 1917 , the american expeditionary force in france suffered its first fatalities in world war one 1917年,美国远征军在法国尝试到了一战以来的首次失败。
Most of the marines on okinawa are part of the highly mobile 3rd marine expeditionary force 驻守在冲绳的大部分海军陆战队官兵来自高度机动化的海军陆战队第三远征军。
You plan the greatest force in history and it ends up depending on something you just can ' t control 你部署了世界上最强大的远征军,而它的成败却取决于你不能控制的事情。
And what will they do when they discover that the demons they thought vanquished have returned to renew their terrible burning crusade 当他们发现他们所认为已被击败的恶魔们重新建立了燃烧远征军后又如何去做呢?
1917 the first contingent of the american expeditionary force landed in france in world war i , with general john pershing commander - in - chief 在第一次世界大战中,以约翰?珀欣将军为总司令的美国远征军的第一分遣队在法国登陆。
An expeditionary force arrived in june 1840 to back these demands , and thus began the so - called first opium war ( 1840 - 42 ) 为争取上述要求,英国显示实力,派遣远征军于一八四零年六月开抵中国,遂爆发第一次鸦片战争(一八四零至四二年) 。