

  • trade block



  • 例句与用法
  • Five persons , including the former chairman of a trading conglomerate , charged for their roles in a us 28 . 78 million about hk 223 million letters of credit fraud , were convicted by a jury of the court of first instance
  • Ningbo veken united group trade ltd , with the largest share - holder - veken group ltd . , is the nations premier manufacturer and marketer of textile fabrics , home textiles and apparels , with manufacturing capability of textiles , apparels , dyeing an
  • This article focuses on this question mentioned above and author ' s views are clarified in the following parts of the article . i . the concept and types of regional trade block ii . the history and the present development feature of regional trade block iii
  • The court of first instance meted out jail terms up to six and a half years to five persons , including the former chairman of a trading conglomerate , for their roles in a us 28 . 78 million about hk 223 million letters of credit l cs fraud
  • Ningbo veken united group trade ltd , with the largest share - holder - veken group ltd . , is the nations premier manufacturer and marketer of textile fabrics , home textiles and apparels , with manufacturing capability of textiles , apparels , dyeing and ironing
  • Sticking to the management idea of honesty , win - win , innovation , and development , we are looking forward to having cooperation with international companies , making mutual benefits , leading to a renowned diverse , modern , international trade and industrial group
  • Considering new problems that oil trade of china is facing , this paper adapts research methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , and it combines theory research with tactics research . from exclusive direction of international trade , this paper reveals the main problems of china oil trade , which include resources , transportation , trade pattern and trade structure etc . finally , this paper puts forward feasibility suggestions this paper includes four sections . the first part of this paper set forth the evolution of the each stage of our country ' s foreign trade and the situation analysis
  • In the conclusive part of this paper , it establishes a strategy of import substitution that includes controlling the supply and demand , importing properly , building an powerful oil trade group and so on . i hope it can bring some help to china ' s oil foreign trades
  • The relationship between regional trade block and gatt / wto multilateral trade system theoretically , the objective of regional trade block and gatt / wto multilateral trade system is consistent ; regional trade block contributes greatly to gatt / wto multilateral trade system ; gatt / wto multilateral trade system also sets some detailed rules for regional trade block
    从理论上分析,区域贸易集团与gatt wto多边贸易体制的目标是一致的,区域贸易集团为gatt wto多边贸易体制做出了较大贡献,在gatt wto多边贸易体制内,区域贸易集团也有较为详细的法律地位规定。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 百科解释
贸易集团由政府间的协议所成立,往往是区域内政府间组织的一部分,各参与成员协议减少或消除在该区域内的贸易壁垒(关税或非关税壁垒)。Schott 1991, 1.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
贸易集团的英文翻译,贸易集团英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贸易集团,贸易集团的英文意思,貿易集團的英文贸易集团 meaning in English貿易集團的英文贸易集团怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
