机会 chance; opportunity 错过机会 lose a chance; 借此机会 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to; 放弃机会 throw away one's chance; 抓住机会 seize a chance; 千载难逢的好机会 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime; 高兴有机会访问贵国 be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country; 我没有给他说话的机会。 i didn't give him a chance to say a word. 他没有脱身机会。 he had no chance to get away. 你的机会来了。 here is a chance for you
Business representatives from afghanistan , met with their american counterparts in washington d . c . recently , to discuss trade opportunities , develop new contacts and share ideas 来自阿富汗的商业代表们最近在华盛顿会见了他们在美国的合作伙伴,以讨论贸易机会,开展新合同,以及共享思想。
Working to expand trade opportunities and opening markets is a key part of our focus , but no less important is making sure that other countries follow the rules and live up to their commitments 努力扩大贸易机会,开拓市场是我们注意的重点之一。同样重要的是,要确保其他国家遵守规则,履行承诺。
Academics say that as asia becomes one of the world ' s economic powerhouses , australia needs to improve its language skills if it is to take full advantage of the business opportunities on its doorstep 学者说亚洲成为世界经济引擎,澳大利亚需要掌握他们的语言,如果想在亚洲的家门口获得充分的贸易机会的话。
R . stanica : " obviously , both of those two big events will take a great influence to china and to the world . all chinese people have been waiting for the moment for a long time “这两大事件对中国的影响显而易见,中国人民等待加入wto已有多年,罗马尼亚也是wto成员国,我相信,两国的贸易机会将得到更好的发展。
Academics say that as asia becomes one of the world ' s economic powerhouses , australia needs to improve its language skills if it is to take full advantage of the business opportunities on its doorstep 学术界人士称随着亚洲变为世界经济的发电站之一,澳大利亚如果想充分利用其贸易机会的优势首先需要提高其语言技能。
For the long term , such ideas as a possible road link to the west bank of the pearl river delta to capitalise the opportunities arising from the rapid development there is being investigated 长期方面,政府现正就兴建连接珠江三角洲西岸的干线进行可行性研究,以探讨如何利用及掌握该区在急速发展下孕育的商业贸易机会。
As he explains , trading is a twenty - four - hour game and those who understand that fact will be in a better position to limit risk , increase their trading opportunities , stay on the right side of the action , and be more consistent and profitable 他解释说,交易是一个24小时的游戏和那些了解这一事实,将处于更有利的地位,以限制风险,增加贸易机会,留在右侧的行动,并应保持更一致和有利可图的。
However , we recognise that further funding , alongside increased opportunities for trade will be necessary if the international community is to move towards the goals that have been set in reducing global poverty and child mortality , and increasing access to primary education 我们还认识到,如果国际社会希望达到减少全球贫困、降低儿童死亡率以及增加获得基础教育机会的既定目标,除了增加贸易机会以外,还需要提供更多的资助。