曩 Ⅰ形容词[书面语] (以往; 从前; 过去的) former; past 曩时 in olden days; of yoreⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 曩秉彝 nang bingyi
Whether one is alone or falling asleep , one will find zen peace there . huang yao , moyuan suibi , 1982 这是首徐贲的诗,我们只要对花对微笑,独坐也好,高眠也好,禅在其中!
Personally , lama phuntsok has a connection with rinpoche , saljey rinpoche also knew lama phuntsok ' s parents who lived in sikkim and often came to see him 就喇嘛噶玛贲措个人而言,他和仁波切还有另一层的亲近关系仁波切认识他定居在锡金的父母,他的双亲也常来探望仁波切。
The young lama learned to read and write in the monastic school there and continued his studies under the great rime teacher khenpo khedrup rinpoche for another five years 于是,小贲措来到那儿的僧伽学校学习读、写。之后,又在伟大的利美上师堪布堪祝仁波切的教导下学习了五年。
Zhen zhibin , ben kunlong , tian baoping , zheng yongtang . 1992 serological survey for antibodies to simian type d retrovirus of macaque colony in china . journal of medical primatology . , 21 : 87 - 90 陈志斌、贲昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴d型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志, 21 : 87 90 。
Compared with the incidence of fluctuation of blood pressure and heart rate , the epidural anesthesia group is obviously higher than that of the general anesthesia , this showed that general anesthesia should be the first choice 采用全身吸入麻醉46例,用药为硫贲妥钠或异丙酚+琥珀胆碱或卡肌宁快速诱导气管内插管,吸入氨氟醚加潘可罗宁或卡肌宁维持麻醉。
" sociology is , with inspiring insight and predictive power , a way of understanding various life experiences of many different peoples . i am surprised and very happy to learn that my study gains regional recognition , " said professor chan 对于赢得奖项,陈国贲教授表示高兴,他说:社会学是一门具有洞悉力和预知能力的学科,有助体察不同人的生活与阅历。
Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
Professor chan kwok - bun , head of the sociology department and director of the david c . lam institute for east - west studies of hong kong baptist university ( hkbu ) , has won a prestigious award from the singapore - based institute of southeast asian studies ( iseas ) for his research on mainland chinese immigrants in singapore 由陈国贲教授与seetchiasing小姐合著的学术论文移民家庭的戏剧性:新加坡的华人移民,获得新加坡东南亚研究所的michaelleifermemorialprize 。该奖每两年举办一次,今次是首次颁发。