

  • 形容词
    [书面语] (装饰得很美) beautifully decorated [adorned]



  • 例句与用法
  • Whether one is alone or falling asleep , one will find zen peace there . huang yao , moyuan suibi , 1982
  • Personally , lama phuntsok has a connection with rinpoche , saljey rinpoche also knew lama phuntsok ' s parents who lived in sikkim and often came to see him
  • The young lama learned to read and write in the monastic school there and continued his studies under the great rime teacher khenpo khedrup rinpoche for another five years
  • Zhen zhibin , ben kunlong , tian baoping , zheng yongtang . 1992 serological survey for antibodies to simian type d retrovirus of macaque colony in china . journal of medical primatology . , 21 : 87 - 90
    陈志斌、昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴d型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志, 21 : 87 90 。
  • Compared with the incidence of fluctuation of blood pressure and heart rate , the epidural anesthesia group is obviously higher than that of the general anesthesia , this showed that general anesthesia should be the first choice
  • " sociology is , with inspiring insight and predictive power , a way of understanding various life experiences of many different peoples . i am surprised and very happy to learn that my study gains regional recognition , " said professor chan
  • Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine )
    快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
  • A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine )
    快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
  • Professor chan kwok - bun , head of the sociology department and director of the david c . lam institute for east - west studies of hong kong baptist university ( hkbu ) , has won a prestigious award from the singapore - based institute of southeast asian studies ( iseas ) for his research on mainland chinese immigrants in singapore
    由陈国教授与seetchiasing小姐合著的学术论文移民家庭的戏剧性:新加坡的华人移民,获得新加坡东南亚研究所的michaelleifermemorialprize 。该奖每两年举办一次,今次是首次颁发。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 贲的法语:形 <书>éclatant;brillant;élégant
  • 贲的日语:贲bì 〈書〉きれいに飾られている. 『異読』【贲bēn】
  • 贲的俄语:pinyin:(贲 сокр. вм. ) 1) , fén блестящий, сверкающий, украшенный, наряженный 2)
  • 贲什么意思:(賁) bì ㄅㄧˋ 1)文饰,装饰得很好:~临(贵宾盛装来临)。 (1) 賁 bēn (2) 通“奔”。急走;逃亡 [run;flee] 虎贲三千人。――《孟子·尽心下》 卫士旅贲。――《汉书·百官公卿表》 下比周贲溃以离上矣。(比周:勾结)――《荀子·强国》 (3) 又如:贲溃(奔走溃散) (4) 奔流 [flow at great speed] 蚕珥丝而商絃绝,贲星坠而渤海决。――《淮南子·...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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