

  • hornwork



  • 例句与用法
  • The chief action of the day was fought in the simplest and the most artless fashion on the open space , visible from both sides , between borodino and the flches by the copse
  • Then , when the whole plain was covered with smoke , on the french side the two divisions of desaix and compans advanced on the right upon the flches , and on the left the viceroys regiments advanced upon borodino
  • The roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry were growing louder all over the field , especially on the left , where bagrations earthworks were , but from where pierre was , hardly anything could be seen for the smoke
  • Then they rode on downhill and uphill again , across a field of rye , trampled and laid as though by hail , along the track newly made by the artillery , over the ridges of the ploughed field , to the earthworks , at which the men were still at work
  • The viceroy will take possession of the village of borodino , and cross by its three bridges , advancing to the same height with morands and grards divisions , which under his leadership will advance to the redoubt and come into line with the other troops of the army
  • In the first place the instruction is given : that the batteries placed on the spot selected by napoleon , with the cannons of pernetti and fouch , which were to join them , in all one hundred and two cannons , were to open fire and shell the russian earthworks and redoubts
  • But to the proposal of general compans who was to attack the advanced earthworks , to lead his division through the forest , napoleon signified his assent , although the so - called duke of elchingen , that is , ney , ventured to observe that to move troops through woodland is risky , and might break up the formation of the division
  • The flches were a verst from the shevardino redoubt , where napoleon was standing ; but borodino was more than two versts further , in a straight line , and therefore napoleon could not see what was passing there , especially as the smoke , mingling with the fog , completely hid the whole of that part of the plain
  • It was not simply impossible from below , where he was standing , and from the redoubt above , where several of his generals were standing , to make out what was passing at the flches ; but on the flches themselves , occupied now together , now alternately by french and russians , living , dead , and wounded , the frightened and frantic soldiers had no idea what they were doing
  • An adjutant , galloping up from the flches with a pale and frightened face , brought napoleon word that the attack had been repulsed , and compans wounded and davoust killed ; while meantime the flches had been captured by another division of the troops , and davoust was alive and well , except for a slight bruise
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