2 held covered in case of deviation or change of voyage or any breach of warranty as to towage or salvage services , provided notice be given to the underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required by them be agreed 万一发生绕航或航程变更或任何违反拖带或救助服务的保证,如果知悉后立即通知了保险人,且同意保险人提出的修改承保条款并支付保险人要求的任何附加保险费,本保险得续保。
2 held covered in case of deviation or change of voyage or any breach of warranty as to towage or salvage services , provided notice be given to the underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required by them be agreed 万一发生绕航或航程变更或任何违反拖带或救助服务的保证,如果知悉后立即通知了保险人,且同意保险人提出的修改承保条款并支付保险人要求的任何附加保险费,本保险得续保。
Although the accuracy in meterological forecast of tropical cyclones has been distinctly improved , it is still a difficult problem confronting masters and anti - typhoon team leaders of the companies how to steer clear of typhoon reasonably and safely in case that the actual resistance to typhoon is strong enough , the sea area wide enough , and the time permitting ; to avoid unreasonable deviation , anchoring for shelter , blindly rushing onto her path , being involved in storm area , even into the the center of typhoon ; under the limitation of the condition of the sea area and time . how to take correct meassures to escape , such as navigating with wind or windward in bias angle , slowing down , anchoring , berthing alongside the warf , mooring to buoy , etc . as early as possible 尽管气象部门对热带气旋监测预报的准确率已经比过去有了明显的提高,然而船舶在海上如何避离台风,如何做到在本船实际抗风能力允许、海域条件允许、时间也充裕的前提下合理避台,安全避台,避免不合理的绕航、 “扎风” ,避免盲目冒进“抢风头” ,更避免被卷入强风区甚至台风中心;在海域条件受限、时间尴尬的情况下又如何正确采取偏顺航、偏顶航、滞航、锚泊、系岸、系浮等抗台措施和技术,尽快摆脱台风的影响,仍然是摆在船长和公司防抗台领导小组面前的一个实实在在的难题。
The carrier may exercise the lien on goods by the manner of applying for seizure of the goods . but the law of special proceeding of maritime action stipulates that the subject matter of seizure should belong to the defendant , the provision restricts the manner of exercising the right of lien , so we can draw a conclusion that the provision is not reasonable . alteration and assignment of contracts the contract of carriage of goods by sea usually involves the benefits of a third party 四、合同的变更与转让问题,本文对绝大多数情况下均会涉及到第三人利益的运输合同的变更和转让,结合海上货物运输合同的实践作法分析了《合同法》有关规定对其的影响,五、不合理绕航问题, 《合同法》第九十四条第四项实质上是将根本违约作为合同解除事由加以规定,并以违约行为及其严重性作为判断标准。
Unlawful deviation the article 94 ( 4 ) of the contract law establishes the regime of the fundamental breach of contract first time , either party refuses to perform its obligation under the contract and thus makes realization of aim of the contract impossible , this kind of illegal activities constitution the fundamental breach 因此,在《合同法》下,不合理绕航不一定构成根本违约,即使不合理绕航构成根本违约,因为承运人不一定具有丧失免责或责任限制条款的情节,也不必然导致免责与责任限制的丧失。