We ' re waiting for a final conclusion on the title issue before we make any decisions on the drake issue and ultimately send out the season 2 drakes 我们会在这次冠军授予事件完全得到最终定论的时候,再决定铁甲龙的发放事宜并最终为竞技场的勇士们发送第2季的大礼。
Scientists are trying to determine the size of the crater left on the comet , which could range from two to 14 stories deep and from the width of a house to the size of a football arena 科学家设法确定在彗星左火山口的大小,范围从二到14层深和从房子宽度到橄榄球竞技场的大小。
If it passes all of the pit ' s quality assurance tests , it will be deemed an official soul reflector and you and your monster will be one step closer to the battlecage 如果它通过了所有的竞技场的品质测验,它将会成为官方认可的灵魂反射器,然后你和你的怪物距离战场就只有一步之遥了
Healthstones and summoned warlock pets will no longer cost a soulshard to summon in the arena preparation area . all summoned items and pets will be dismissed on leaving the arena 在竞技场的准备区域.生命石和召唤出来的术士宠物不再消耗碎片.所有召唤的物品和宠物将在离开竞技场时消失
In spite of its glorious design , the colosseum was built largely for the distraction of the masses in a cynical age , providing dramatic and often gruesome entertainments 尽管设计得金碧辉煌,建造罗马竞技场的主要目的是,在愤世嫉俗的时代中,供人们忘情娱乐,演出戏剧张力十足、不时令人毛骨悚然的娱乐节目。
" when you pay me a visit in my cell , my young friend , " said he , " i will show you an entire work , the fruits of the thoughts and reflections of my whole life ; many of them meditated over in the shades of the coloseum at rome , at the foot of st . mark s column at venice , and on the borders of the arno at florence , little imagining at the time that they would be arranged in order within the walls of the chateau d if “等你到我的地牢里去的时候, ”他说, “我可以给你看一篇已完成了的文章,那是我反省自己的一生的心血的结晶,那是在罗马竞技场的废墟里,在威尼斯圣马克古宫的圆柱脚下,在狱卒会让我在伊夫堡的牢墙之内有时间把它们写出来。