

  • surveillance radar



  • 例句与用法
  • The existing long range primary surveillance radar at mount parker has been used for more than 20 years and is approaching the end of its operational life
  • A ssr can provide more useful information than primary surveillance radar ( psr ) but is subject to the proper functioning of the aircraft s transponder
  • Service charges for use of the very high frequency communications facilities and secondary surveillance radar data to enhance safety and improve operational efficiency
  • A secondary surveillance radar provides , after processing of data transmitted by the aircraft , the range , bearing , altitude and identity ( callsign ) of an aircraft
    经处理由飞机发出之数据后,二次监察雷达能提供航机的距离、方向、高度和识别(呼号) 。
  • The system is designed to search , track , process and display ssr equipped aircraft within an airspace of 32 nautical miles in range and 15 , 000 feet in elevation
    这套系统可搜寻、追踪、处理和展示装有二次监察雷达应答器的飞机及其飞行资料,覆盖范围达3 2海里,覆盖高度则达1 5 0 0 0英尺。
  • To modify the existing ssr at mount parker to include aircraft selective addressing facility and atc workstations for mode s operation to enable individual addressing to each aircraft with uniquely allocated identification code
  • For more than 25 years , the old radar served as a primary surveillance radar ( psr ) with coverage of 200 nautical miles for en - route air traffic surveillance . it is necessary to replace the old radar because of its age and difficulty in acquiring spares
  • Compared with conventional ssr , the prm has no scan rate restrictions , thus capable of providing a much faster update rate ( up to 0 . 5 second ) , better target presentation in terms of accuracy , resolution , and track prediction
    与传统的二次监察雷达相比,精密跑道监察系统的功能不受扫描速度限制,故更新速度可快许多(最快达0 5秒) ,而且在准确度、清晰度及航迹预测等方面,均达到更佳的目显示效果。
  • Additional trials on aeronautical telecommunication network ( atn ) , surface movement guidance and control system ( smgcs ) , electronic flight strips ( efs ) , secondary surveillance radar mode s data link and very high frequency data link ( vdl ) are planned for this year
    此外,有关航空通讯网络、地面活动引领管制系统、电子飞行纸条、 s模式的二次监察雷达数据链路和甚高频数据链路的进一步试行运作,亦计划在本年进行。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 推荐英语阅读
监察雷达的英文翻译,监察雷达英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译监察雷达,监察雷达的英文意思,監察雷達的英文监察雷达 meaning in English監察雷達的英文监察雷达怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
