心理学和法律管理学学士 ab major in psychology and bsc major in legal management
心理学和广告管理学学士 ab major in psychology and bsc major in advertising management
心理学和营销管理学学士 ab major in psychology and bsc major in marketing management
宾馆和饭店管理学学士 bachelor of science in hotel and restaurant management
翻译和商业管理学学士 ab major in translation studies and bsc major in business management
Paul holds both a master of science degree and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from queen s university at kingston , canada Paul拥有加拿大金斯顿女王大学的计算机科学理学学士学位和理学硕士学位。
Yes . i graduated from middle school in 1992 , then i entered north west university . i graduated in 1996 . i have a b . s . degree 应:好的。我一九九二年中学毕业,然后进了西北大学,一九九六年毕业。获得了理学学士学位。
A : yes . i graduated from middle school in 1992 , then i entered north west university . i graduated in 1996 . i have a b . s . degree 应:好的。我一九九二年中学毕业,然后进了西北大学,一九九六年毕业。获得了理学学士学位。
A : yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science dee from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba dee from peking university 有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
Yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science degree from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba degree from peking university 有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
A : yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science degree from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba degree from peking university 有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
In 1988 , dr . jing got his ph . d . degree in the shanghai institute of biochemistry , cas by working on peptide and protein chemistry 1978 - 1982年就学于南京大学化学系,获理学学士学位。 1982 - 1988年为中科院上海生化所研究生,获理学博士学位。
Stephen gao has a bachelor ' s from the beijing university of posts and telecommunications and master ' s ( with honors ) from the university of london 高先生在北京邮电大学信息工程系获得理学学士学位,在英国伦敦大学电子工程系获得理学荣誉硕士学位。