

  • academic degree:bachelor of science
  • b sc, bachelor of science
  • b.s. ; b.sc.; s.b
  • bachelor of science



  • 例句与用法
  • Paul holds both a master of science degree and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from queen s university at kingston , canada
  • Yes . i graduated from middle school in 1992 , then i entered north west university . i graduated in 1996 . i have a b . s . degree
  • A : yes . i graduated from middle school in 1992 , then i entered north west university . i graduated in 1996 . i have a b . s . degree
  • A : yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science dee from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba dee from peking university
    有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
  • Yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science degree from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba degree from peking university
    有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
  • A : yes . in 1996 i received my bachelor of science degree from hebei university , and in 2001 i received my mba degree from peking university
    有, 1996年我在河北大学获得了理学学士学位, 2001年在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。
  • In 1988 , dr . jing got his ph . d . degree in the shanghai institute of biochemistry , cas by working on peptide and protein chemistry
    1978 - 1982年就学于南京大学化学系,获理学学士学位。 1982 - 1988年为中科院上海生化所研究生,获理学博士学位。
  • Stephen gao has a bachelor ' s from the beijing university of posts and telecommunications and master ' s ( with honors ) from the university of london
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