煎鸡蛋 fried eggs; 煎鱼 fried fish; 鸡蛋正在锅里煎。 the eggs were frying in the pan. 煎鱼要用慢火。 we should use slow fire to fry fish.2.(把东西放在水里煮, 使所含的成分进入水中) simmer in water; decoct
He was severely tempted by the fried-egg sandwiches but he could not afford one . 他非常想吃煎鸡蛋三明治,但他买不起。
He suddenly felt the jungle was protective, a butter against all the demands that would be made . 他忽发奇想,觉得这丛林倒可以保护他,免得他再受种种煎逼。
Edwina returned her attention to breakfast-lightly scrambled eggs and toasted english muffins . 埃德温娜回过头来吃她的早餐--油味轻淡的煎鸡蛋和英国式烤松饼。
He jerked upright and, lashed fiery whips of fear and guilt, backed hurriedly to the door . 他猛地挺直身子,在恐惧和内疚的火红鞭子的鞭策下,急煎煎地退到门边。
A few hundred yards away other americans, our prisoners of war, still languished in a cruel captivity . 数百码之遥的另一些美国人作为战争俘虏仍然在煎受扣押的折磨。
When joe smells a rib broiling or sees deliciouslooking pastries in a bakeshop, i go into action . 当乔嗅到煎猪排的香味,或在食品店里见到可口的点心时,我就开始活动。
He made a great business of making his coffee in the morning and frying himself a little bacon at night . 他早晨煮点咖啡,晚上给自己煎一小块咸肉,都要郑重其事,小题大做。
They fried the fish with the bacon and were astonished; for no fish had ever seemed so delicious before . 他们把鱼和咸肉在一起煎来吃,结果喜出望外,因为从来没有什么鱼有这么鲜美。
Breakfast was corned-beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice . 早饭吃的是罐头咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黄灿灿的,上面还配着一只煎鸡蛋,还有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清凉爽口的葡萄汁。
Hanbyul and i call it cause it looks like a fried egg 韩星说这个看起来像煎鸡蛋
煎的法语:动 1.frire dans un peu de graisse ou d'huile~鱼poisson frit;friture 2.faire une décoction~药faire la décoction des herbes médicales;préparer une tisane