" woe to all , for our dwelling place is distant , and we wander through the domiciles of chaos ! 我等之不幸,因为归属飘渺,而我等漂泊于浑沌之境!
I see it now , the forces of entropy breaking our companionship apart . and it cannot come too soon , quoth this raven 海尔达利:现在我懂了,浑沌的力量拆散了我们。而且说来就来,这乌鸦如是说。
The uncertain german political picture will only muddle the eu ' s policy toward turkey , which could deepen the differences between the two sides 然而,浑沌不明之德国内政,也使得其土耳其政策不清楚,将明显的加深欧盟与土耳其之间之歧见。
The topological mixing is a very complex property of dy - namical systems . a system with topological mixing property has many chaotic proper - ties in different senses 拓扑混合是动力系统极强的一种复杂性质,一个具有拓扑混合性的系统具有多种意义下的浑沌性。
In section 2 , we introduce some basic notions and their relations , such as : li - yorke chaos , devaney chaos , xiong jincheng chaos , topological mixing , and so on 在第二部分,我们介绍li - yorke浑沌、 devaney浑沌、熊金城浑沌、拓扑混合等定义,并给出了它们之间的关系。
The tempest was let loose and beating the atmosphere with its mighty wings ; from time to time a flash of lightning stretched across the heavens like a fiery serpent , lighting up the clouds that rolled on in vast chaotic waves 此时,大风暴正以雷霆万钧之势在奔驰,闪电一次次划过夜空,象一条浑身带火的赤炼蛇,照亮了那浑沌汹涌的浪潮卷滚着的云层。
Museums , museums , museums , object - lessons rigged out to illustrate the unsound theories of archaeologists , crazy attempts to co - ordinate and get into a fixed order that which has no fixed order and will not be co - ordinated 博物馆、博物馆、博物馆,都是一些斑斑可考的教训,足以证明考古学家理论的不正确:他们一厢情愿地想把原先无法协调、无秩序的浑沌,规划成为有条理的系统。
Russian - born designer victor steinberg , cutely nicknamed rocky mountain in chinese , was particularly impressed by the " hidden force connection " collection , the color and style of which , he noted , best represented the primordial universe 生于苏联的珠宝设计师victor shteinberg ,有个很可爱的中文昵称:石头山,前来参观师父设计的作品。他独锺爱内边力量沟通,认为色彩和造型有宇宙的浑沌感。
That suggested an official recognition that the millions spent to give schools and universities online access is of little use unless students know how to retrieve useful information from the oceans of sludge on the web 这显示有关单位已经正式认知到,除非学生们知道如何从既浩瀚又浑沌的网上世界中检索有用的资讯,否则为了让各级学校和各大学学生上网而投下的数以百万美元的花费,很可能就只是虚掷金钱罢了。