形容词 [书面语] 1.(形容水流清澈) (of water ) clear; limpid 2.(形容风疾) (of wind) swift
浏海 bang; fringe洚水 floodinundation浏河 liu he; liuhe洚 动词[书面语] (水流不遵河道) overflow 洚水 flood; inundation浏河口 liuhe kou洵盛 nobumori浏览 glance over; skim through; browse; pass one's eyes over sth.; pass over; run over; scan 浏览报纸上的大标题 take a glance at the newspaper headlines; 把稿子浏览一遍 glance over a manuscript; 读了书中几章并浏览了其余部分 read some chapters and scan the rest of the book; 在阅览室浏览图书 browse among books in the reading room洵南日报 kong nghie tong sang dagblad浏览, 翻阅, 监视 browsing洵口 xunkou
Yang yinliu ' historical writings : their macro - layout and characteristics of the times 杨荫浏 历史著作的宏观布局及其时代特色 We are the lead manufacture and exporter of professional fireworks and consumer fireworks 我司为浏 阳大型的烟花生产出口企业 Did yang yinliu 为杨荫浏 一辩 I hope you will find the website useful and interesting and will visit us again 希望本网页能够对您有所帮助,欢迎您随时浏 及提供宝贵意见。 Status of health knowledge and behavior among 200 peasants in dingcheng district , changde city , hunan province浏 阳市旅游资源概况及其开发建议 Hunan liuyang changli export fireworks firecrackers factory is a worldwidely famous enterprise 我厂是浏 阳市出口鞭炮烟花实力雄厚的重点骨干企业。 Farmers ' survival and development space and farmland use behavior : a case study of liuyang city of hunan province 关于浏 阳市农民增收情况的调查思考 Liuyang river , small confused cents , the jiannan be included in the " once - selling brands " list浏 阳河、小糊涂仙、金剑南可以列入“曾经畅销的品牌”之列。 Comparative study in yang yinliu ' s survey of chinese music history and draft for history of chinese ancient music 与冯文慈先生商榷对一代宗师杨荫浏 的评价 Liuyang , a small city in central china ‘ s hunan province , is china ‘ s largest fireworks production base浏 阳县属中国中部的湖南省,是中国花炮的传统重点产区。
浏的法语 :形 <书> 1.clair;limpide 2.rapide(le vent)浏的日语 :浏liú 〈書〉 (1)水流のすき透っているさま. (2)風がかすめ通るさま.浏的韩语 :(1)[형용사]【문어】 물이 맑고 투명한 모양. (2)[형용사]【문어】 바람이 세찬 모양. (3)[동사]【초기백화】 몰래 달아나다. (4)지명에 쓰이는 글자. 浏河; 유하 [강소성(江蘇省)에 있는 강] =娄Lóu江浏的俄语 := 浏浏什么意思 :(瀏) liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ 1)水清澈:~溧。~滥(清净)。 2)明朗:“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而~亮”。 3)大略地看:~览。 ·参考词汇: clear swift 浏阳 浏览