

  • enlistment



  • 例句与用法
  • At that time , i had on average five hours of sleep every day . at times , it was even less . but during those two years of service , my mind and physical fitness were in peak condition
  • During the period of their serves , many engineering structures are inevitable to endure time - dependent random loads , and dynamic damage or failure will be the main failure modes
  • Structures are always subjected to various adverse factors during its long - time service , such as fatigue , environmental corrosion , material aging , etc . these factors will bring to structural damage accumulation
  • Pte johnson beharry , who was awarded a victoria cross for his courage under fire while serving in iraq , is hoping his presence will raise awareness of the legions campaign
  • During their careers they have stood face to face with everything from containment and deterrence of the soviet nuclear threat during the cold war to the more recent struggle against terrorism and extremism
  • Gato decommissioned 16 march 1946 . gato received the presidential unit citation in recognition of daring exploits during war patrols four through eight and 13 battle stars for service in world war ii
  • Harry is fond of shooting his mouth off about his daring exploits in action during the last war , but i happen to know he was a storeman at colchester barracks for the whole of his time in the army
  • On 7 may 1942 lexington s air group sank the japanese light carrier shoho . 8th , lexington was hit by 2 torpedos and 3 bombs , finaly rolled over on her side and sank . lexington recevied 2 bettle stars for her world war ii service
  • I spent the remainder of my time in the commissary that day listening to a man tell the story of how important his wife was to him ? and how she took care of their children while he fought for our country
  • Ticonderoga was modernized and saw further service , was being stricken in 1973 ticonderoga received five battle stars during world war ii and three navy unit commendations , one meritorious unit commendation , and 12 battle stars during the vietnam war
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