

音标:[ yǒufūzhīfù ]   发音:
  • (a) married woman



  • 例句与用法
  • Tell yourself that marguerite s married , and then deceive her husband . that s all there s to it
  • Dear master , how does a man cope when he s been married unhappily but then falls in love with another married lady
  • Be sure your sins will find you out , especially if you re married and her name s bertha - there was not a word about herself , or to her
  • You have a kind heart , you need to be loved , you are too young and too sensitive to live in our world . find yourself some married woman
  • Love life : people who are already married will have a lot of opportunities for romance . unwed people have to be wary of falling in love with those who are married
  • But god came to abimelech in a dream in the night , and said to him , truly you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken ; for she is a man ' s wife
  • Well , i don t think it at all right for him to join his preaching to courting a married woman , even though her husband mid be abroad , and she , in a sense , a widow
    “好吧,我觉得他一边讲道和一边追有夫之妇是不对的,尽管她的丈夫在国外,在某种意义上说,她就像一个寡妇。 ”
  • There is no evidence that diana would have behaved other than devotedly to her husband and family if she hadn ' t been forced to acknowledge that her husband wasn ' t only having a clandestine affair with another man ' s wife , but had been having this affair for years
  • What pleasant reflection accompanied this action ? the reflection that , apart from the letter in question , his magnetic face , form and address had been favourably received during the course of the preceding day by a wife mrs josephine breen , born josie powell ; a nurse , miss calian christian name unknown , a maid , gertrude gerty , family name unknown
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