良辰美景 beautiful scene on a bright day; 西湖美景 the enchanting scenery of the west lake; 雪景 a snow scene; 夜景 night view; 她喜欢山景。 she enjoys mountain scenery.2.(情形; 情况) situation; condition
历史背景 historical background [setting]; 远景规划 a long-range plan; 好景不长。good times do not last long.3.(戏剧、电影的布景和摄影棚外的景物) scenery (of a play or film)
换景 change of scenery; 拍摄外景 film the exterior; shoot a scene on location4.(剧本的一幕中因布景不同而划分的段落) scene (of a play)
Her cheek near his sleeve, she studied a dozen village pictures . 她仔细地瞧着那十来张村景照片,她的脸颊几乎低到他的衣袖。
From these high stone balconies there was a splendid view of the river . 从那些用石头构筑的高高的阳台上可以眺望美丽的河景。
Complete documentation of the literature used as background material for this book is impossible . 作为本书背景资料的完整文献资料是不可能得到的。
The mirages had died away and gloomily he ran his eyes along the taut blue line of the horizon . 各种蜃景都已消失了,他郁闷地用眼睛扫着笔直的、蓝蓝的海平线。
The plot was simple but moving . also , every scene in the movie looked very realistic . 那部电影的剧情很简单,但是很感人,而且电影里的每一景看起来都很逼真。
And then i walked slowly to enjoy and analyze the species of pleasure brooding for me in the hour and situation . 然后我慢慢地走着,享受和品味此时此景所赋予我的欢乐。
A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humor was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding . 一个苦人,深陷在不幸之中而又强颜欢笑,看到此情此景,我的朋友再也受不住了。
Have you ever thought about the pain jinmo felt 你是否想过景莫曾经经受的痛苦?
Discovery bay plaza capevale drive caperidge drive 愉景广场蘅晖径蘅欣径
Discussion on the siguan and siguan acupoint 浅谈张仲景的针灸诊疗特点及选穴规律