join a class in the middle of the course; enter another school (class) according to one's grade ◇插班生 a student who joins a class in the middle of the course
插班生 a student who joins a class in the middle of the course
Slot - in and intermediate year - 1 applicants are required to attend an audition . applicants for beginners classes will be required to attend a simple melody and rhythm test 中级一年班及插班申请人须参加一项试音测试初班申请人则须参加一项简单的旋律及节奏测试。
I went to the dean s office and asked a teacher miss niu sitting there . i told her i came to the school to study . but she said : " classes have already begun for a month . 我找到教导处,一位姓牛的老师在,我说我要上学,牛老师说刚开学一个月,我说我要插班,牛老师说不行,你跟不上。
Certificates and college reports to show that they have undergone such study previously . they also must take the comprehensive entrance examination held by the college of chinese language and culture . applicants who have passed the entrance examination will be accepted to the mid - course program 申请插班的学生应提交曾作为该专业本科生学习的相关证明和成绩单,并参加由汉语文化学院组织的综合考试,成绩合格者可作为插班生录取。
Applicants who meet the age requirements set out in the prospectus of beginners courses are required to attend an interview and a pitch and rhythm test , while intermediate and slot - in applicants who meet the requirements set out in the prospectus are required to attend an interview and an audition 合乎章程所定年之申请者须接受一项旋律节奏反应测试及面试。另外,中级一年班i - 1及插班课程则于4至5月期间招生, 9月开课,合乎章程所定资格之申请者须接受试音。