The lady fell upon her knees, and tried to fold her hands together . 老太太双膝跪下,想要把手掌合在一起。
The oiler steered, and the little boat made good way with her new rig . 加油工掌着舵,小船靠着这新装备快速前进。
Frank threw the iron shoe hissing into cold water and strengthened his back . 弗兰克把铁蹄掌丢进冷水,铁掌发出丝丝的声音,他直起腰。
Some people wonder how the minority is ever heard if the majority rules . 有些人不明白,在多数派掌政的时候,少数派如何表达自己的意见。
They have held their franchise so long that change has become inadmissible . 它们在这一行业上这样长期地掌有着特权,变更已成为不可接受的了。
Counsel must be well-informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected . 律师务必对所选定的法院的实体法和冲突法了若指掌。
It was during this campaign that the unfortunate "slapping incident" involving general patton took place . 在此次战役中,巴顿将军曾发生一件不幸的掌掴事件。
I began to take heart once more to believe that piloting was a romantic sort of occupation after all . 我重新有了信心,认为掌航这件事终究是一种有奇趣的职业。
As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand . 他继续漫谈着自己和过去的生活,外面风刮起来了,像一只巨掌在摇撼着那单幢住所。
All this time mr. guppy was either planing his forehead with his handkerchief, or tightly rubbing the palm of his left hand with the palm of his right . 在这段时间里,格皮先生不是用他的手绢擦额头,就是用右掌使劲擦他的左掌。
掌的法语:名 1.paume 2.patte鸭~palmure de canard. 3.talon;semelle给鞋子打前后~remettre des semelles et des talons à ses chaussures 4.fer à cheval 动 1.frapper qn avec la paume de la main~嘴gifler(souffleter;calotter)qn 2...