

音标:[ xùjīn ]   发音:
  • pension for a disabled person or the family of the deceased



  • 例句与用法
  • Special ex - gratia relief payments for successful applications in respect of the deceased would range from $ 100 , 000 to $ 500 , 000 for each eligible family member or family , where appropriate
  • It would also give next - of - kin rights in hospitals , allow gays to benefit from a deceased partner ' s pension , and exempt them from inheritance tax on a partner ' s home
    Disability pension :残废恤金。这项改革还将赋予同性恋伴侣在医院的近亲地位权利,允许同性恋一方成为去世方的养老金受益人,并且在继承伴侣的房产时可以免缴遗产税。
  • In particular , a trust fund for sars was proposed for providing special ex - gratia relief payments to families with deceased sars patients or pecial ex - gratia financial assistance to eligible recovered sars patients
    须特别注意的一点,是政府建议设立综合症信托基金(信托基金) ,向综合症病故者家属发放特别恩恤金或向符合资格的综合症康复者提供特别恩恤经济援助。
  • Special ex - gratia relief payment for families with deceased sars patients ( applicable to families of the deceased patients who are unable to meet the application criteria of any categories for surviving spouse , surviving dependent children or surviving dependent parents )
  • Consider applications for ex - gratia relief payments to families with deceased sars patients and the applications for assistance , including ex - gratia financial assistance , for recovered sars patients and " suspected " sars patients treated with steroids and make recommendations to the trustee ; and
  • For deceased sars patients , special ex - gratia relief payments would be made to their families with surviving spouse ( $ 200 , 000 ) ; dependent child ( ren ) ( $ 500 , 000 each for those under 18 , and $ 300 , 00 each for those between 18 and below 21 in full time studies ) ; dependent parent ( s ) ( $ 300 , 000 for each dependent parent ) ; and those not falling into any of the above category but meeting certain criteria ( $ 100 , 000 for each family )
    就病故者家属而言,特别恩恤金将发放予尚存配偶(二十万元) ;受供养子女(每名十八岁以下子女五十万元,以及每名十八至二十一岁以下正就读全日制学校子女三十万元) ;受供养父母(每名受供养父母三十万元) ;及不属于上述类别的家属但符合特定资格(每个家庭十万元) 。
  • Advise on the eligibility criteria for applications for ex - gratia relief payments to families with deceased sars patients and the eligibility criteria for applications for assistance , including ex - gratia financial assistance , for recovered sars patients and " suspected " sars patients treated with steriods
  • Principal assistant secretary ( family ) terms of reference to consider applications for review of the decision of the committee on trust fund for sars in relation to the applications for ex - gratia relief payments to families with deceased sars patients and the applications for assistance , including ex - gratia financial assistance , for recovered sars patients and " suspected " sars
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 恤金的日语:(公務のため死亡または負傷した者やその家族への国家や機関からの)弔慰金,見舞金,補償金.▼“抚恤金”ともいう.
  • 恤金的韩语:[명사] 유족 위로금. 보조금. 구제금. 사회 구제금. 遗族恤金; 유가족 보조금 产母恤金; 출산 부조금 =[抚恤金]
  • 恤金的俄语:[xùjīn] пособие; пенсия
  • 恤金什么意思:xùjīn 抚恤金。
  • 推荐英语阅读
恤金的英文翻译,恤金英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译恤金,恤金的英文意思,恤金的英文恤金 meaning in English恤金的英文恤金怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
