This shrine is dedicated to the memory of soldiers killed in the defence of the country . 这座庙是为纪念为国捐躯的士兵而建造的。
Then he drove straight on to the little temple of jupiter that overlooked the town . 于是他就赶车直向俯视整个城镇的朱庇特小庙走去。
Bethune set up his mobile operating theater in a temple near the kuan lin-lin chu highway . 白求恩在广灵和灵邱之间的公路附近的一座庙里,把他的战地手术室布置好了。
The sun's first rays would smite down through the gloom of the temple and the long alley of the temple pillars . 太阳最初的光线会穿透庙宇的阴暗处和庙中列柱之间的长廓。
The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century bc . until roman times . 考古学家们所考察的这座古庙,从公元前十五世纪一直到罗马时代都被用作做礼拜的场所。
Single trip from jose house bay to north point only 单程只适用于由大庙湾往北角
Tin hau temple 10 tin hau temple road , causeway bay 天后庙(铜锣湾天后庙道十号)
Wai tsuen sports centre , 6 miu kong street , tsuen wan 荃湾庙岗街六号蕙荃体育馆
They set up an operating table in a small temple 他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。
The sacred relics are enshrined in this temple 那些神圣的遗物都安放在这座庙里。