Milk and milk products - determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - part 2 : fluorometric method for cheese 牛奶和奶制品.碱性磷酸酶活性的测定.第2部分:干酪的荧光计法
Just as prince andrey walked into the room , magnitskys words were again drowned in laughter . stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese 斯托雷平一面用低沉的嗓音哈哈大笑,一面咀嚼着一块带有干酪的面包热尔韦低声地吃吃地笑,斯佩兰斯基发出清晰而含蓄的笑声。
In southern europe and in south america more soft cheese is produced than any other type of cheese and southern european cheese producers alone manufacture 0 , 8 million ton of soft cheese annually 在南欧和南美,软质干酪的产量超过了其他类型的干酪,其中仅仅南欧地区每年就生产80万吨软质干酪。
For our clients , we also offer a wide and complete range of cheeses from the canary islands , colaborating with small - size and artisan dairies to which we help in the commercialization of their cheeses 我们向客户提供来自加纳利群岛品种丰富齐全的干酪系列,通过合作,我们帮助小型和手工乳制品实现了干酪的商业化。
Like cheese and the wallace and his loyal dog geluomite super smart establishment of a humane anti - pest company , the forthcoming giant vegetable contest villages to begin , wallace and geluomite also overburdened because they must be caught like rabbits who eat vegetables chicken 喜欢干酪的华莱士和他忠诚而且超级聪明的小狗格罗米特成立了一间人道反害虫公司,即将举行的村子里的巨型蔬菜竞赛就要开始了,华莱士和格罗米特也忙得不可开交,因为他们必须要抓到喜欢吃蔬菜的调皮兔子们。