

  • littlefinger



  • 例句与用法
  • I ll tell my big brother on you , and he can thrash you with his little finger , and i ll make him do it , too .
    我要向我大哥哥告你的状,他只要动动小指头就能把你捏碎,我会让他揍你的。 ”
  • At that moment her slightest movement blew the flame of desire : with her little finger she ruled men s flesh
  • Clubs pursued a variety of fundraising activities to meet this goal , including the purple pinkie project and pennies for polio
  • With little parted talons she captures his hand , her forefinger giving to his palm the pass touch of secret monitor , luring him to doom
    扎煞着小小指头,抓住他的手,用食指尖戳戳他的掌心,悄悄地给他暗示, 394把他诱向毁灭。
  • Anyone with a cat knows how much mischief its paws can cause , and anyone familiar with children recognizes how actively ? and sometimes painfully ? little fingers are used to gain information about the youngsters ' immediate world
  • Dont laugh , stop , cried natasha ; youre shaking all the bed . youre awfully like me , just another gigglerstop she snatched both the countesss hands , kissed one knuckle of the little finger , for june , and went on kissingjuly , auguston the other hand
  • The enriched uranium fuel in the form of uranium dioxide for the pwr is fabricated into a few hundreds of small fuel pellets , which are stacked up , enclosed and sealed in a zirconium alloy tube of about 3 . 8 metres in length and 9 . 5 mm in diameter the fuel rod
    浓缩铀经过加工后会制成小圆柱型的二氧化铀芯块,然后数百个小指头般大的芯块会被堆叠在一条长3 . 8米直径9 . 5毫米的锆合金包壳管燃料棒中并加以密封。
  • The enriched uranium fuel in the form of uranium dioxide for the pwr is fabricated into a few hundreds of small fuel pellets , which are stacked up , enclosed and sealed in a zirconium alloy tube of about 3 . 8 metres in length and 9 . 5 mm in diameter ( the fuel rod )
    浓缩铀经过加工后会制成小圆柱型的二氧化铀芯块,然后数百个小指头般大的芯块会被堆叠在一条长3 . 8米、直径9 . 5毫米的锆合金包壳管(燃料棒)中并加以密封。
  • Every one was mute , and the only sounds audible were the clatter of knives on the plates and the munching of the lieutenant . when telyanin had finished his lunch , he took out of his pocket a double purse ; with his little white fingers , that were curved at the tips , he parted the rings , took out some gold , and raising his eyebrows , gave the money to the attendant
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 小指头的日语:こゆび 小指
  • 小指头的俄语:pinyin:xiǎozhǐtou мизинец
  • 小指头什么意思:口语。 小指。    ▶ 《西游记》第七三回: “ 毗蓝 使小指头挑起, 驾祥云径转 千花洞 去。”    ▶ 《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六八回: “盘里面盘着一条小小花蛇, 约摸有二尺来长, 不过小指头般粗细。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
小指头的英文翻译,小指头英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译小指头,小指头的英文意思,小指頭的英文小指头 meaning in English小指頭的英文小指头怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
