

  • image description



  • 例句与用法
  • These new techniques have many advantages over traditional geometry - based rendering , such as requiring only modest computational resources and achieving photorealistic virtual images with no additional operations
  • Real - time realistic image rendering is one of the most important and difficult problems in computer graphics , previous methods cannot provide highly realistic image in real time
  • In this paper , through researching algorithm of a flame and explosion image rendering technology , the basic ideas of particle system and application in computer image rendering technology are depicted
  • We present a simple and practical self - calibration method of estimating the parameters of digital cameras for image - based rendering system . depth maps recovering has long been one of the central research problems in computer vision
  • Camera calibration , depth maps recovering and constructing representation scheme are important issues in ibr , on which our research is concentrating . camera calibration is the preliminary step towards deriving metric information from the images
  • This thesis focuses on pre - computation and sampling based real - time realistic image rendering . the key idea is to use the information in pre - computation results or pictures captured , for presenting effects of highly realistic shading and supporting fast rendering
  • We scan photographs of tissue slices to get 2d data and then these data are classified and transfer into 3d data which are saved into database . we do geometric construction by contour connection algorithm and render the tissue using volume data based on surface . some algorithms used widely are compared in this article and implemented in the experimental system : simulating lost datum by linear interpolation , adjusting surface profile by twice bezier interpolation , dealing with some special normalized vector
  • Spherical panoramic technology is a kind of image based rending technique . it models the virtual environment using data structure construct from optical image . compare with the traditional 3 - d model technique , it has higher performance in rending virtual scene
    球面全景图技术是一种基于图像绘制( image - basedrendering ,简称ibr )的方法,它是利用光学图像构建数据模型进行虚拟场景的绘制,与传统的通过三维建模的绘制方法相比,这种方法在绘制的效率和效果方面有巨大的优势,因而是近年来的一个重要研究方向。
  • Otherwise in virtual reality based on images we can create a virtual space by this way : first we shoot pictures at the same site but in different directions , then stitch these pictures to get cylindrical or spherical surface panoramas after they were processed some way , last establish the relationships of these panoramas
  • In order to meet the needs of this application , we propose several approaches to compute reliable dense depth maps , such as a feature - constrained stereo matching algorithm , a stereo matching algorithm based on gray segments and a stereo matching algorithm based on fuzzy identification , we demonstrate these techniques on synthetic and real image pairs , indicating that these approaches are feasible
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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