Units of legal affairs : procurator , amanuensis , forensic physician , inspector , bailiff , investigator , rectification personnel , and guard 四法务单位:检察官、书记官、法医师、检验员、法警、调查人员、矫正人员及驻卫警。
May renunciation , the root of all dharma practice , and the four thoughts which transform the mind , arise naturally in my mindstream and may i see samsara with all its endless activity as a prison or a pit of fire 愿出离心? ?所有法教修持的根本,和转心四法,在我心续中自然生起,愿我视轮?之无尽业行如监牢或火坑。
To relate the inspection , the diagnosis by smell , the interrogation and the palpation of the traditional chinese medicine , this article discusses the technique of the reference service , including exchanging with the reader and determining the scope and the way of searching 摘要联系中医的“望、闻、问、切”四法,谈论了有关咨询的技巧,包括同咨询对象的交流对话以及检索范围和检索途径的确定。
The situation of " four legal units in one country " has now come into being in china . the civil and commercial exchanges between these units are more and more frequent . and in this process the intellectual property law takes a major part . it is of certain theoretical and practical importance to do systemic study on the application of chinese regional private law of intellectual property 我国目前业已形成“一国四法域”的格局,四法域之间人民的民商事交往日益频繁,而实际上在中国诸法域的经济贸易联系中,知识产权法律关系占很大的比重,对我国区际知识产权法律适用相关问题进行系统的研究有一定的理论价值和实践意义。