

  • business calculation
    business accounting



  • 例句与用法
  • Certainly i am not telling you to ignore any possible profit , but if you can balance commercial calculation and ambition evenly , i think it won t be too hard to grab the heart of the audiences and lure them back to the theater again
  • Nevertheless , i have to admit that it is still an exceedingly enjoyable and successful movie with careful commercial calculation and very high entertainment value . as one of the top 10 grossed korean movies of the year , it is worth to give it a shot
  • Nevertheless , i have to admit that it is still an exceedingly enjoyable and successful movie with careful commercial calculation and very high entertainment value . as one of the top 10 grossed korean movies of the year , it is worth to give it a shot
  • Is probably a surprise to many film critics . certainly , it cannot be considered a miracle , as the quality of this movie is not that low actually . nevertheless , if you talk about new elements or sincerity , it is definitely not as enlightening as
  • The cfd code used to simulate the fluid field is the commercial software fluent . through the numerical simulation , it can make a qualitative looking of unsteady flow in a transonic turbine stage and the numerical result can be a valuable result to the following research
    本次数值模拟使用的是商业计算流体力学软件fluent ,通过数值模拟,最终能够对整个流场有定性的说明,同时对一些特定的流动现象能够较好的模拟出来,为以后的进一步研究提供参考。
  • Based on this theory , i think most films today lack this " heart " and ambition . certainly i am not telling you to ignore any possible profit , but if you can balance commercial calculation and ambition evenly , i think it won t be too hard to grab the heart of the audiences and lure them back to the theater again
  • Based on this theory , i think most films today lack this " heart " and ambition . certainly i am not telling you to ignore any possible profit , but if you can balance commercial calculation and ambition evenly , i think it won t be too hard to grab the heart of the audiences and lure them back to the theater again
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