唯一 only; sole; unique出路 way out; outlet惟一出路 the only way out唯一的出路是错误的路 the only way - is the wrong way出路 1.(通向外面或向前发展的道路) way out; outlet 找出路 find a way out; 河道淤塞, 水无出路。 the riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater. 农业的根本出路在于机械化。 the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.2.(销售货物的去处) outlet 他们必须为自己的产品寻找出路。 they must find outlets for their products.3.(出口) egress唯一 only; sole; unique 唯一可行的办法 the only feasible way; 唯一出路 the only way out; 唯一的理由 the sole reason; 唯一的继承人 the sole heir; 唯一合法政府 sole legitimate government; 唯一宗旨 sole aim一出来 when they come out we'll get it一出水 first water一出戏 a play; osho出口,出路 outlet出路窗 egress window进出路 access road无出路 get nowhere寻出路 seek one's fortune找出路 look for a way out; find an outlet; look for a job with a future; seek a way out第一出动 first alarm a ignment; first alarm assignment一出五幕剧 a play in five acts一出戏剧,剧本 drama毕业生出路 pgo for positive graduate outcomes别无出路 have no other way out; there was no other way open to (someone)产品出路 product outlet车辆进出路 vehicular access冲出路外 run-off-roadway出路窗窗闩 egress window latch出路设计 egress design
Going back is impossible and idiotic , the only way is forward 倒退绝不可能,而且很白痴,唯一出路 是向前。 The revival of human is the only choice for narrative study to break predicament 人的复活是叙事学走出困境的唯一出路 The only way out for the development of tourism in enshi is to reform 因此,改革和完善是恩施旅游业发展的唯一出路 。 Sustainable development - the only way out for china ' s urban development in the current situation 当前状况下中国城市发展的唯一出路 Higher school creats and develops only in competing course , is just only way out 高等学校在竞争过程中惟有创新、发展才是唯一出路 。 The only way to give a peaceful solution to the nation is to strengthen the unity of the eight parties 和平解决国家问题的唯一出路 就加强八党的统一。 Facing new challenges and problems , to strengthen government reform is the only way out 面对各种新挑战、新问题,加强政府改革才是成功应对挑战的唯一出路 。 I repeat it , sir , we must fight ! an appeal to arms and to the god of hosts is all that is left us 我再重复一遍,我们必须战斗!我们的唯一出路 就是拿起武器,求助于万军之王! It points out that the reform creation in teaching pattern is the only way for teaching reform in vocational schools 指出教学模式的改革和创新是职业学校教学改革的唯一出路 。 The only way for any vehicle to survive in a mout environment is via the coordinated support of friendly infantry forces 任何车辆在城市地形作战中的唯一出路 是与友军步兵同步协同。