Naphthenic having the characteristics of naphthense , which are saturated hydrocarbons containing molecules with at least one closed ring of carbon atoms 环烷烃具有环烷特性的、至少包含一个碳原子团链的饱和烃。
L . the structures of the films in the as - deposited films , ptco atomic agglomerates are segregated by nonmagnetic c . every agglomerate is about 0 . 5um 结构方面:溅射态样品中物质的分布是ptco颗粒被非磁性的c分离成三维的分散孤立原子团簇。
The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose , add , or share when it reacts with other atoms 化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力
The local electronic structure and magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor ( ga , cr ) n have been studied by using dvm based on density functional theory 我们首先运用原子团模型研究了稀磁半导体gan掺cr ( ( ga , cr ) n )的局域电子结构和磁性。
When the skin is exposed to sunlight , the radiation triggers the formation of free radicals which , in turn , damages the dna in skin cells , causing tumours to grow 当皮肤暴露在阳光下,紫外线辐射会引发游离原子团的形成,转而破坏皮肤细胞中的dna ,引起肿瘤的生长。
Olive oil ‘ s almost miraculous powers are thanks to the fact that it is very rich in chemicals called anti ? oxidants which repair cell damage caused by rogue molecules called free radicals 橄榄油如此神奇的力量,是由于它可以大量制作一种叫抗氧化剂的化学物质,它能修复由离群的微小颗粒(游离原子团)所引起的细胞损害。
In recent years researchers have achieved better performance with compounds such as lithium borohydride , in which the metal atoms form weaker , ionic bonds with groups containing several hydrogen atoms 近年来,研究人员已经制作出效能更佳的复合物,例如硼氢化锂,在这种金属氢化物中,金属原子与氢原子团(由数个氢原子组成)之间,是以较弱的离子键键结。
Conclusion : the results in this work indicated that laser ablation as a physical method was combined with conditions of chemical building - up reactions , and it can be used as a kind of macroscopic quantities synthsis means obtaining various clusters 结果表明将激光溅射这一物理手段与化学合成的反应条件相结合,可以产生多种不同种类的原子团簇,是合成宏量团簇物质的一种新方法。
It is found that the catalyst inducement and density greatly affect the alignment of carbon nanotubes . ferrocene as the catalyst precursor , double - layered aligned carbon nanotubes were grown on silicon substrates using chemical vapor deposition ( cvd ) by decomposing acetylene twice 对于镀al 、镀ni硅面,在二茂铁分解形成的纳米铁颗粒与衬底上的al和ni颗粒分别形成的液相合金的作用下,碳原子团簇生成大量杂乱无序的碳纳米管。
This is able to happen because the space between the electrodes is filled with a material called an electrolyte which allows ions ( electrically charged atoms , or groups of atoms ) to pass from one electrode to the other and thus combine with their chemical complements 电池能起作用是由于在两个电极之间的空间中充满着一种叫做电解液的物质,它能允许离子(带电原子或者其他原子团)能从一个电极转移到另一个电极因此能使离子与它们的化学补充物相结合。