

  • semmicircuar



  • 例句与用法
  • And in the last chapter , we also have the idempotent semiring which satisfies the identity a + ab + a = a + b is an additive normal idempotent semiring , if and only if it is a pseudo - strong right normal idempotent semiring of left zero semirings , and other corollaries
    第三章,证明了满足等式a + ab + a = a + b的幂等半环是加法正规的,当且仅当它是左零半环的伪强右正规幂等半环,及相关推论。
  • In the second chapter , we give the definition of the pseudo - strong right normal idem - potent semiring of v ? semirings . and we have the additive normal idempotent semiring which satisfies the identity a + ab = a + b arises as a pseudo - strong right normal idempotent semiring of left zero semirings
    第二章,与第一章平行地构造了v -半环的伪强右正规幂等半环,由这一结构证明了满足等式a + ab = a + b的加法正规幂等半环是左零半环的伪强右正规幂等半环。
  • And we describe the join r v p of a ring congruence r and an arbitrary congruence p on s . similarly , we discribe all the divisible semiring congruences on a distributive semiring . at last , we give the least distributive lattice congruence on a commutative distributive semiring and an idempotent distributi ve semiring
  • First , according to the definition of strong distributive lattice of semirings , we define the pseudo - strong distributive lattice semiring s and the pseudo - direct product , and we prove that the pseudo - direct product that we just define is a semiring , then we prove that s is the pseudo - sub direct product of d and s / 9
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