

  • molecular laser



  • 例句与用法
  • Krf laser amplifier has many advantages for its short wavelength , less nonlinear effects and high efficiency in amplifying ultra short pulse
  • At last we measure parameters of new excimer laser , the experimental measuring results show that our xecl excimer laser has better characters , and its output is excellent compared to others
  • As a characteristic of excimer laser , the beam quality of most excimer lasers are poor , for example , the beams figure are rectangular and the energy distribution are uneven , both will effect the result of micro - fabrication
  • Through the experiment , the coupling rules and methods are discussed . by a new thought in theory , a double facet micro - lens used in coupling optical fiber with diode laser is designed . the micro - lens is produced by excimer
  • This work analyses the characteristic of excimer laser at first , then an accurate energy distribution of the laser beam of wavelength 248nm is given out . depends on the theoretic analysis , a hollow waveguide is designed
  • Topics on computer interface control technologies are discussed in detail , together with hardware design on control circuit , interpolation algorithm , and control software . all of our efforts are concentrated in one purpose - to establish a cnc system suitable for excimer laser micro fabrication . based on computer local bus tech . ,
  • Firstly , the paper discusses the characters , principles of excimer laser , and study on pulse discharge process . secondly , for the purpose of designing excimer laser , i spent a lot of time to researsh and finish electrode designing , reducing circuit inductance , spark gap designing , ns discharge , uv preionization , glow discharge
    本论文首先对准分子激光特点,原理,脉冲放电进行了评述,其次,以试制xecl准分子激光器为目的,探索并完成了电极设计、回路电感减小方法、火花开关设计、 ns陡前沿放电、紫外预电离、辉光放电、脉冲功率技术研究。
  • Due to great advantage of the excimer laser in photoelectron material , photoelectron technology research , so in this thesis , a xecl excimer laser is designed in order to solve some problem in semiconductor film , cmr film , quartz film and other kind of film application , optical etching field , interaction between laser and material , material plasma study . the parameters of the excimer laser is e also measured and analyzed
    因此本文以气相沉积、外延生长、巨磁薄膜、金刚石及其它薄膜制备及后续的光刻,激光与物质的相互作用,等离子体研究为目的,研制获得了激光脉宽18ns ,单脉冲能量150mj ,矩形光斑大小2cm 1cm ,束散角3mrad ,最高重复频率5hz的xecl准分子激光器
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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