In recent 20 years , with the rapid development of lightning detection technology , the technique for inspecting cloud - to - ground ( cg ) lightning in quasi - real time ( within several seconds ) has been mature , and the technique for intracloud ( ic ) lightning is also improved each passing day 近20年来,随着雷电探测技术的快速发展,准实时(时间几秒以内)监测地闪的技术已经成熟,探测云闪的技术也日臻完善。
Fuzzy security constraints , such as voltage and generator ' s reactive power output , are introduced in qp model , and a new ipm with fuzzy constraints is deduced in detail , being the critical program in quasi real - time voltage / reactive control . 4 根据我国电网当前的自动控制水平以及实时无功/电压控制的认可程度不高的实摘要际情况,提出首先实现电网的准实时无功电压控制,以提高运行电压合格率、降低网损。
Digital holography is a novel imaging technique which uses high - resolution ccd - cameras as hologram recording medium and reconstructs the image with numerical method . it involves optical holography , computer science , electronic technology and digital image processing . in recent years , particle analysis with digital in - line holography is an active research field 数字全息术用ccd记录全息图,以数值的方法再现全息图,它综合了光学全息原理、计算机技术、电子技术以及图像处理技术,是一种新颖的全息成像技术,具有处理简便、对实验环境要求较低、可实现准实时处理等优点。
The following works have been done about power system stability control in this thesis : 1 ) in theory , this thesis first introduces the running condition and the actuality of stability control of power system in china . after a careful discussion of several typical equipments and decision - making , the paper analyses a design of regional stability control system based on - line pre - realtime decision - making , and tests its reliability and accuracy . the feasibility and superiority of this project is proved 围绕着电力系统稳定控制问题,论文展开了如下工作: 1 )在理论上,首先介绍了电力系统的稳定运行条件和我国安全稳定控制系统的现状,并通过对典型稳控装置和不同的决策方法的分析和比较,分析了基于在线准实时决策的分布式区域稳定控制系统的总体结构,采用wpsasp6 . 1程序,测试了该系统的可靠性和精确性,验证了该方案的可行性和优越性,分析了系统实现可能面临的问题及对策。