

  • optical-design software



  • 例句与用法
  • Two kinds of improved design project are proposed : retrofocus project and image telecentric project . original structures are solved through gauss optics and primary aberration principle , and the aberration is optimized and analyzed too . to form staring opto - electronic countermeasure device , distributing of optical unit array is simply analyzed in the end
  • The data formats of optical design software ( code v ) and optical cnc machines are investigated . based on the function of optical design software that can output documents with file type of txt , we developed the software in visual c + + used to control optical manufacture process . the software can find parameters of curve surfaces from the documents , handle the data stream of optical design software , the technological parameters of optical manufacture machines and surface error data of talysurf , and simulate the manufacture process
    研究光学设计软件( codev )和光学cnc制造设备的数据格式,利用光学设计软件的文档输出功能,采用vc + +编制一个能从上述文件中自动发现曲面方程的接口,处理光学软件数据流、光学设备工艺参数以及轮廓仪的面形检测数据,仿真加工过程,生成用于光学加工的控制代码实现非球面的铣磨和抛光,实现光学cad cam一体化制造。
  • Optical fourier transformation lens are designed automatically mainly depending on optical design software . after the optical original system being worked out by p , w method , they can be designed automatically by using computer . every parameter of the system is changed simultaneously and aberration is adjusted according to optimizing theory , after the parameters are iterated a lot of times , perfect fourier transformation system is obtained , and the requirement of optical correlation detection can be satisfied
    光学傅立叶变换透镜的设计,主要利用光学设计软件进行光学自动设计,用p 、 w法初步计算出光学原始系统,再利用计算机进行自动设计,按优化理论对光学系统的各个参数同时给出不同的改变,进行像差校正,经多次迭代后可得到比较理想的傅立叶变换系统,使该系统能够满足光学相关探测的要求。
  • Depends on the analysis of characteristics of excimer laser and the projection objective , a high multiple lens is designed , which is optimized by the professional software zemax , and then used in the accurate micro - machining . the system eliminate the lens aberration perfectly , and meet the requirement of machining at the precision of several microns
    分析了目前主要的几种投影物镜系统特点,从光学设计理论出发,由专业光学设计软件zemax优化,设计加工了用于高精度准分子激光微孔加工的倍率为100 : 1的投影成像物镜。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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