The businessservice element may contain either a discoveryurl , or a businesskey , or both Businessservice元素可能包含一个discoveryurl或一个businesskey或两者都有。
Yi [ / b ] : it is a mix because it ' s not easy to be a starter , especially when you are a rookie 两者都有吧,因为这不是轻易地就能成为一名首发球员,尤其对于我这名新秀来说。
Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures , but few of us have had the opportunity to find out 或许这两者都有真实成分在其间,但我们很少有人能有机会去探个究竟。
Both contribute towards increasing public transport ridership and reducing urban area traffic and parking demand 两者都有助增加公共交通的载客量,并可减低市区的交通量及泊车需要。
Each also has a detailed index , and each code section is annotated with citations to court decisions interpreting that section 两者都有详细的索引,法典的每一节都引证解释该节的法院判决来进行注释。
You should aim for a palace and a fp , both surrounded with a core of cities , both areas more or less independent , not overlapping 你应该规划首都和紫禁城的位置,两者都有一圈核心城市,不要过多的重叠。
Some people have a lot to give but they don t . and others try , but they don t have a lot to give 有些人拥有很多,但却吝于付出有些人想要给予,但却又力不从心,这种人已经值得钦佩,而她则两者都有,那是非常超群绝伦的。
Both have their pros and cons , both seem plausible enough to me , and both explain how hagrid could see harry when he came to take him away 两者都有赞成与反对的理由,两者我看起来似乎都足够正确,而且两者都能解释海格接走哈利时,如何能看到他。
That is , if object a has a reference to object b and both have finalizers , object b might have already finalized when the finalizer of object a starts 即,如果对象a具有对对象b的引用,并且两者都有终结器,则当对象a的终结器启动时,对象b可能已经终结了。
The terra - cotta items were probably worn by children or commoners , or both , whereas the more exotic stone and seashell ornaments most likely adorned local upper - class populations 赤陶材质的物件极可能是小孩或平民所佩戴(也许两者都有) ;较具异国风的石头、贝壳材质装饰品,则很有可能是当地的上层人士才戴。