The owner of a schooner called the silver maid was signing up sailors for a voyage to china . 一条名叫“银姑”的纵帆船的船主正招雇水手,打算航行到中国去。
The schooner rolled and plunged, fetching up on her anchors with a crash which for the first time they could hear . 纵帆船摇了几摇,前后颠簸了两下,紧拉着锚链,发出一声震响,这是大家第一次听到的响声。
I leaned despairingly over the rail, watching the trim little schooner swiftly increasing the bleak sweep of ocean between us . 我颓丧地靠着船栏,看那整洁的小帆船迅速地在扩大我们之间的一块苍凉的海面。
He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken 他喝了一大酒杯啤酒后醉倒了。
Might i beg the honour of pouring the privileged schooners myself 我能否有这份荣幸给您倒酒?
Blew you most heartily , with enough force to capsize a schooner 用足以倾覆一艘纵帆船的力量最衷心地“给你吹”
Blew you most heartily , with enough force to capsize a schooner 用足以倾覆一艘纵帆船的力量最衷心地“给你吹”
Captain of a schooner me 成了一名威风凛凛的船长
The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate 潮流以同样的速度带着大船和小艇向南滑行。
I was on the summit of one swell when the schooner came stooping over the next 当大船越过一个浪头时,小艇正处在另一个浪头上。