The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer . 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。
The syntax analyzer calls the scanner when it needs a new symbol . 当语法分析程序需要新符号时,它就调用扫描过程。
The image-dissector scanner is another heavily used and very successful low light level detector . 析象管扫描器是另一种常用而且很成功的微光探测器。
A different approach to build an imaging detector has been taken by lick observatory in developing the image-dissector scanner . 另一种成象探测器是黑克天文台所研制的析象管扫描器。
Photography . film dimension . film for electronic scanner use 电子扫描机用胶片尺寸
Anderson had a police scanner in his pickup 安德森车上有一台警方安装的扫描器。
Eclipse is a single - line , hand - held laser scanner 是一种单线手持式激光扫描仪。
On using scanner rightly to scan chromatic negative 正确使用扫描仪扫描彩色负片
A scanner sits on top of an equipment shelter . 位于仪器室顶部的是一个扫描器。
Symbol ds - 6707 handheld digital imager scanner Symbol ds - 6707手持式数位显像扫描器
a radio receiver that moves automatically across some selected range of frequencies looking for some signal or condition; "they used scanners to monitor police radio channels" 同义词:electronic scanner,
a radar dish that rotates or oscillates in order to scan a broad area
an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer 同义词:digital scanner, image scanner,
someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllables
scannerとは意味:scanner n. 〔テレビ 通信 電算〕 映像走査機, スキャナー; 〔医学〕 スキャナー. 【+動詞】 ◆Earth-resources satellites have sophisticated scanners that assess economic resources. 地球資源探査衛星は経済資源を走査する高性能のスキャナーを備えている ◆use a magnetic resonan...