sanction n. 1.批准;准许;承认。 2.赏罚;处罚;【法律】惩罚。 3.〔主 pl. 〕(对侵略者等的)制裁;良心制裁,制裁力,约束力。 4.【历史】法令。 social sanction 社会的制裁。 moral sanction 道德制裁。 punitive [vindicatory] sanction 惩罚。 give sanction to 批准,同意。 suffer the last sanction of the law 被处死刑。 take sanctions against 对…采取制裁手段。 vt. 1.批准;认可;承认。 2.支持,赞许。
Whose image sanctifies the gambling ? 是谁的形象把赌博神圣化了?
This good medicine was sanctified by all the luckiest stars in heaven . 这剂良药曾经受到了天上一切吉星的祝福。
Eugenie's transparent sincerity had momentarily sanctified charle's love . 欧也妮的天真烂漫,一刹那间把查理的爱情也变得神圣了。
I believe that it is one of the special achievements of grace to sanctify the whole of life, riches included . 我相信洗净整个生灵其中包括富人在内的罪孽乃是神的特殊恩宠。
You have robbed me of the glory of youth, of the convictions of the virtue, of the sanctifying thirst after wisdom . 你剥夺了我光辉的青春,摧毁了我对道德的信念,我对智慧的纯洁的向往!
And the major, who had not read more than six pages of pen's book, put on his sanctified look, saying, "yes, there are some passages quite affecting. " 潘的书,少校只读了六页,但现在他也装得郑重其事的,插进来说道:“对,有几段确实感动人。”
This is sanctified ground , and we may not tread upon it 这是圣地,我们不可践踏。
Christ , sanctify me ! body of christ , save me 救世主,洗清我的罪孽!救世主,拯救我
God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it 上帝祝福第七天并且使它成为神圣的日子。
For it is sanctified by the word of god and prayer 5都因神的道和人的祈求,成为圣洁了。