n. 逃走者,逃亡者;阻不住的奔马,逃马;逃走,逃亡,私奔。 adj. 逃走的,逃亡的,私奔的;容易跑赢的(马);节节上涨的(物价)。 a runaway chin 凹下巴。 a runaway ring 按铃逃〔按了铃就逃,和人家开玩笑〕。 a runaway star 【天文学】速逃星〔双星之一爆炸为超新星时,以直线方向高速飞离原处〕。
The runaway surfaces can be indicated by color . 跑道的路面可用颜色表示。
It has been called the runaway greenhouse effect . 这种现象称作强温室效应。
It was very hard to catch a runaway . 要抓住一个逃犯很困难。
You advertised a runaway servant, the other day ? 前两天你不是登广告找寻一个逃走的佣人吗?
To avoid a runaway reaction, the reactor includes control rods . 为了避免反应失控,反应堆应包括一个控制棒。
These two factors conspire to cause a temperature runaway with drastic lowering in yield . 这两个因素合起来引起温度失去控制,同时产率急剧下降。
Before night they changed around and judged it was done by a runaway nigger named jim . 没到夜里,他们就变卦了,认为是一个逃跑的黑奴干的,他的名字叫吉姆。
An attendant could cut the rope, dropping the control into the core and preventing a runaway reaction . 值班人员可砍断绳索,让控制棒插入反应堆芯从而制止失控反应。
Discovery and its crew landed on the edwards air force base, california, dry lakebed runaway on monday, october 3, ending a flight that the u.s space agency hailed as "successful in every way. " “发现号”航天飞机及其机组人员,于10月3日星期一在加利福尼亚爱德华兹空军基地的干湖床跑道上着陆,从而结束了美国航天局称之为“万事如意”的这一航天飞行。
He was praised for bringing up the runaway horse 他勒住了脱缰之马受到了表扬。