There was no use selling at ruinous figures . 以亏本太大的价格出卖是无济于事的。
The prices in that restaurant are absolutely ruinous . 那家饭馆的价钱贵得能把人坑死。
He went to the money lenders and borrowed on ruinous terms . 他去跟放高利贷的人借钱,订了使他破产的契约。
Few of the men she saw seemed worth a ruinous expenditure . 她觉得,她认识的男子中,很少有值得她倾心相爱的。
The rector was obliged to take up the money at a ruinous interest, and had been struggling ever since . 牧师没法,只能出了重利钱借债填补亏空,从此便拮据不堪。
It was their infatuated perseverance in an unjustifiable, a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass . 正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。
The prices in that restaurant are absolutely ruinous 那家餐馆的价格贵得能把人坑死。
They took a ruinous expenditure on the house 他们为了那所房子倾家荡产。
Mutually destructive ; ruinous or fatal to both sides 自相残杀的共同破坏的;对双方都有害或致命的
causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin; "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit"; "the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces"; "a ruinous war" 同义词:blasting,
extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin; "a catastrophic depression"; "catastrophic illness"; "a ruinous course of action" 同义词:catastrophic,
ruinousとは意味:ruinous adj. 破滅を招く. 【+前置詞】 ◆ruinous to his prestige 彼の威信を台なしにする.