His being higher in learning and birth than the ruck soldiers is anything but a proof of his worth . 他的学问、他的出身比普通当兵的高,决不证明他有出息。
He struggled among the ruck of writers so as to hold a place in the immature literary circles of america . 他处在一大批互相排挤的文人中,力争在幼稚的美国文坛上得一席之地。
About his dress and his neat figure was that studied ease which lifts men from the ruck of common bridegrooms . 他的服装和英俊的身材,处处流露着一种故意装成的翩翩风度,是一种使人觉得高于一般新郎的风度。
Mrs breen screams gaily . o , you ruck 你认得我。
He was eager to get out of the ( common ) ruck and distinguish himself in some way 他渴望出人头地,在某方面与众不同
And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots 但是他的作品在同时代的凑韵诗人里可是有如胡萝卜堆里的红宝石。
The swi cities of bern , geneva and zurich will also host matches along with austria ‘ s salzburg , i ruck and klagenfurt 瑞士的伯尔尼、日内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、因斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。
His gaze brooded on his broadtoed boots , a buck s castoffs nebeneinander : he counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another s foot had nested warm 他的视线落在宽头长统靴上,一个花花公子183丢弃的旧物,并列着184 。
Can t stop , robinson , i am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser kansell , sold by hely s ltd , 85 dame street . well out of that ruck i am 鲁滨孙,我不能耽误,得赶紧去买唯一靠得住的坎塞尔牌消字灵,戴姆街八十五号希利商店出售的。
Braking test when laden : the braking track shall not be longer than 2 . 5 meters after a cute braking when the ruck is traveling in full speed with 1 . 5 m / t test load on the forks 荷重时刹车检定:牙叉荷重1 . 5吨砝码时,以全速(最高速)行驶,在紧急刹车时,其刹车痕迹不得超过2 . 5公尺。
a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things; "his brilliance raised him above the ruck"; "the children resembled a fairy herd" 同义词:herd,
an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth) 同义词:pucker,
become wrinkled or drawn together; "her lips puckered" 同义词:pucker, ruck up,