I guess it's real soul-inspiring to work in a ritzy layout like this . 我想在陈设这么豪华的地方工作一定心旷神怡吧。
A : we went to this ritzy greek restaurant 我们去了那家豪华的希腊饭店。
We went to this ritzy greek restaurant 我们去了那家豪华的希腊饭店。
You ' re late . the sailboat club drive you home ? pretty ritzy 是挺晚了俱乐部把你送回来的?真是讲究
But when i come down to their ritzy neighborhoods , they get uncomfortable 但一旦我来到白人区,他们会很不舒服
It ' s evident at city tavern , a mecca for 20 - somethings in san francisco ' s ritzy marina district 这一点在锡蒂塔弗恩显而易见,这个地方位于旧金山奢华的马里纳地区,它是20来岁的人向往的地方。
4 keep your commute short . moving into a ritzy neighborhood would be even more harmful to your happiness if it means a longer commute 减少花在路上的时间。如果搬进豪华社区还意味着来回奔波的时间更长了,那可能会进一步伤害你的幸福感。
A major landmark avenue that divides the island of manhattan into the west side and the east side , fifth avenue has always been a symbol of the ritzy life of new york 作为曼哈顿岛东区和西区分界线的地标性主要大道,第五大道始终都是纽约时尚生活的一个标志。
A celebrated red - tailed hawk evicted last week from his upscale new york digs can move back to the ritzy apartment building where his nest was perched following an agreement on safety arrangements , building management said on tuesday night 本周二12月14日晚,该公寓大楼的物业管理机构表示,随着改善安全设施协议的达成,它现在可以重新搬回建在这座豪华大厦里的“小巢”了。
luxuriously elegant
ritzyとは意味:{形} : きざな、ぜいたくな、とてもハイカラな、デラックスな、高級な、豪華な、豪勢な、豪奢{ごうしゃ}な、俗物の、優雅な I guess it's ritzy. Yes! You bet your ass it's ritzy. I guess you think I'm not ritzy enough for you. Pretty ritzy place you got here. ---...